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UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture

UFO Religion: Inside Flying Saucer Cults and Culture

by Gregory Reece

Published by Ibtauris


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Whether real or imagined, the impact of aliens and UFOs on the modern psyche has been tremendous. This book is an agnostic examination of the sociological implications of the UFO phenomenon- from Erich von Däniken to abductee accounts, from Area 51 to Heaven's Gate, Reece explores the new cult of the extraterrestrial, comparing the fervor of UFO believers with that of other religious movements and cult phenomena. What is it about flying saucer culture that speaks to people with religious intensity? What does it tell us about ourselves? This is the definitive guide to a complex and fascinating topic, and both the believer and skeptic will find a lot to think about in here.