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Beautiful Mutants

Beautiful Mutants

by Mark Mothersbaugh

Published by Grand Central Publishing


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Mark Mothersbaugh’s art leds the viewer to see the hidden mutant in us all. The artist renders a study of humans via symmetry, using photos, both recent and vintage, in which each photograph, like the “self” in Jungian analysis, is transformed to emerge from its chrysalis as something with expected and uninvestigated properties. It no longer represents anything immediately known; rather, it now appears in a double guise, as both known and unknown. Mothersbaugh’s images are real yet unreal, of this world yet otherworldly, mysterious yet deeply, if unconsciously, meaningful. The mutants are taken from nature in the form of images pulled from man’s past, then corrected into sickeningly beautiful beings to become, through this “correction,” symbolic. They convey meaning, yet depend on the viewer to complete that meaning as an intuitive, internal act. The more “mutated” the image, the more intuitive the responses. Hardcover, color.


Yes, that Mark Mothersbaugh