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by Providence Comics Consortium

24p, dark red risograaph, 5.5"x8.5"


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"The Survivors started out as a wind-down exercise one day during comics class at the Foxpoint Library this summer. We came up with the general scenario and then each kid developed a character somewhere around the globe. You might hear a bunch of different voices in the story, and that would be accurate, because there were. Each day at the end of class for ten minutes we would spring a Dungeons & Dragons-esque prompt on them or even a madlib (hence the farting trees) and each kids character would have to respond to that particular situation.

We worked on it a little bit each day for two weeks, until on the last Friday of class we found ourselves staying an extra hour after class should have ended deciding on the final details of the end of our story. It was an incredible amount of fun to make, and we hope that it's exciting to read!"