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This One Summer

This One Summer

by Jillian Tamaki and Mariko Tamaki

Published by First Second

318p, single color, 6"x8.5"


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Rose and Windy's families vacation in Awago Beach every summer.  They're summer-time best friends, and this one summer, they're on the edge of becoming women.  They still eat junk food and spend all day digging holes in the sand, but they're also noticing boys, and trying to be cool.  Windy's obscene sugar-intake guarantees a child-like hyperactivity, while events within her family and from the older kids in town are forcing Rose to grow up fast.

This book is a great summer read for anyone who has gone through puberty or is currently experiencing such torture.  The writing and art in This One Summer is so natural and believable, it feels like you are at Awago beach with Rose and Windy. At the same time, both the writing and art possess a cartoony energy that brings each page to life! We highly recommend you get this book, and two twizzlers. -nb