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1854 W. North Ave · Chicago, IL 60622 · 773-342-0910
Home / Store / Comics / Waxfellow #1
8.5"x6.5", 32p, stapled, comes with fold out
As per Radiator Comics: Alma is a sweet and silly maintenance worker in the deep-space town of Danicus. Years ago an accident left them with a strange arm that won’t stop melting. They feel ready to re-enter town as a regular citizen but their overprotective sister, who also happens to be Mayor, keeps avoiding the subject.
In Waxfellow De Integro, mysteries abound, and the hard working and charming Alma draws you into the story quickly. Tori A. Rielly’s layered and nuanced art brings this alien settlement alive with interesting ideas, bright colors, and a real sense of joy! Tori’s inventive book design makes reading this comic very fun.