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Sardine and Grethany Do or Dye

Sardine and Grethany Do or Dye

by Pip Caplan

6.25"x8", 12p, b+w, stapled


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As per Radiator Comics: Sardine’s really broken up on having been broken up with seven and a half months ago. That jerk has moved on, why can’t Sardine?? Here comes Sardine’s best friend, Grethany to lift their self esteem! A dye job should do the job.


Pip Caplan’s comic, Sardine & Grethany: Do Or Die is full of great cartoon energy, side jokes and the most adorable monsters in the world. Love comes in a lot of shapes, and very little is as powerful as a good friend. This comic captures that idea perfectly with over the top humor and over the top sincerity!