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by Julia Eff

40 pages of black-and-white collages, Rammstein-themed, occasionally a little NSFW. Quarter size (4.25 x 5.5) with a little bit of handwritten text.


Out of Stock

In Julia's words:


nebel: fog, mist, haze.


COVID ate my brain. I forgot how to make zines. This is me relearning.


I spent the entire month of July hallucinating and being unconscious and since I got well enough to go back to whatever life qualifies as "normal" for me it's been like living through a veil. My brain....does not work good anymore. When I sat down to do the art for Zerstören, I realized the system I've been using to do my zines for 15 years was failing because my brain is full of holes. I had to figure out how to do the entire collage process--image gathering, sorting, sizing, printing, decision-making, the actual fitting of layers together--start to finish with new brain 2.0. It was hard & blasted me to bits emotionally in ways I don't think a webstore listing is ready to hear about.


NEBEL is a visual documentation of that. Collage fanzine. Peek behind the scenes. My Art Brain On COVID.


Because someday, I want to look back and see that things got easier. I want to see that my art improved. I don't want to just deteriorate until I die.


This is for me, not for you.