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Frantastic Four #1

Frantastic Four #1

by Sam Spina

Published by Kilgore Books

48p, b&w, 6.5"x10"


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"The fifth publication from the mighty Kilgore Empire comes from 2011 Xeric Award winner Sam Spina. Sam has been impressing the heck out of folks with his daily comic diary (collected in the self published Spinadoodles vols 1 & 2),  his mini comics about everything from his grandma to his love of fire as a child, and the aforementioned Xeric funded Fight."

. Sam has been impressing the heck out of folks with his daily comic diary (collected in the self published Spinadoodles vols 1 & 2),  his mini comics about everything from his grandma to his love of fire as a child, and the aforementioned Xeric funded Fight."