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Erykah Badu's Afros Spawn and Other Tales

Erykah Badu's Afros Spawn and Other Tales

by Haunted Vawmitt

44p, b&w, red cover, stapled, 5.5" x 8.5"


Out of Stock

Illustrated stream-of-consciousness poetics from our friends in the Pacific Northwest. We're treated to lines like "Nuns do skate tricks outside the blocked entrance of  a cave in hopes of opening it" and imagery to the effect of Erykah Badu's hair generating kittens or luring her parents into a pit with Hardee's and eating their remains. And then there's the art. Sort of line drawings, sort of almost wood block collage but then not really wood block collage. Is it poetry? Are they comics? What's in that Portland water? Who knows. -LM