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Kenny Vs the Dark Web

Kenny Vs the Dark Web

by David Cohn and Owen Cornish

40p, b+w, 5.5"x7.5"


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Hot off the presses is the 2nd printing of Kenny Vs. the Dark Web Prologue Comic - Red Glitch Edition, printed with a variance of red covers, limited to 125 copies. 

Kenny vs. The Dark Web is the prologue to an upcoming full-length graphic novel written by Chicago rapper Serengeti (David Cohn) and illustrated by Owen Cornish. 

"Kenny vs. The Dark Web is a story about Kenny Dennis, ex-rapper and ex-phonebooth repairman who has lived a safe, predictable life in Chicago for the last twenty years with his brother, Tanya, and his wife, Jueles.

He is a simple man with simple pleasures: bowling, softball, ping pong, and O'Douls. Kenny’s comfortable routine is shaken one night when he accidentally stumbles onto the dark web & discovers a horrific video..."