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Bamboozled An Incarcerated Boxer Goes Undercover for John McCains Boxing Bill
by Joe Biel
Published by Microcosm Publishing
128p, b&w, softcover, 4.5"x7"
Out of Stock
"In this introspective exploration of former boxer Joey Torrey's life,
his past, his murder conviction, and his more than 30-year
incarceration in a California state prison are each fine-tooth combed.
Nearly five years after his original memoir, this new edition is
re-written as a biography and delves deeper into circumstances
surrounding Torrey’s alleged murder of his boxing coach, the lengthy
prison sentence handed down, his undercover collaboration with the FBI
on “Operation Matchbook” in support of John McCain’s proposed
Professional Boxing Amendments Act, and the inner workings of the
prison system in general. From his days as a Compton gang leader and an
Olympic boxing hopeful to being tried as an adult rather than a
17-year-old minor, this compelling narrative reflects on his life as a
parable as well as examining the strategies used in his conviction,
such as establishing the motive as robbery despite a lack of evidence
linking the opening of safe to the murderer. And after more than three
decades as a model prisoner-and saving the life of a prison
guard-Torrey has prolifically written hundreds of letters to Joe Biel,
who finds himself in the unlikely situation to share this story."