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Deep Park

Deep Park

by David Mahler

Published by Pikiha Press

54p, b&w, softcover, 5.5"x8"


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Deep Park is an ambitious graphic novel about a sadistic/hedonistic/trashed amusement park and its denizens. Told as disjointed vignettes, Mahler introduces an interesting terrarium of personalities which keeps the story moving fast, squeezing about 120 pages of carnival sci-fi into a slender 54. The trimming often seems done at the expense of visual adventure and narrative clarity - I'd love to see this killer amusement park explored in more expressive detail, it's villany tuned to a higher pitch and it's conspiracies either more fully exposed or more threateningly withheld. Riding a roller coaster is scary, but riding a broken roller coaster is terrifying. -EF