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Behind the Zines #13

Behind the Zines #13

by Bradley Adita, AEH, Eric Bartholomew, Anna Jo Beck, Bonnie Kaye Varga Cooper, Keith Helt, Billy McCall, Mer, Juli Jump Rope, Anna Sellheim, Todd Taylor and Kari Tervo

40p, 5.5"x8.5", color cover, b/w inside pages, stapled


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As always, Behind the Zines editor Billy McCall brings us an issue that's jam-packed with thoughtful missives from some of the most interesting corners of zine culture, written by a variety of knowledgeable contributors. Anna Jo Beck shares a by-the-numbers look at her venture into Patreon and Juli Jump Rope offers a "How Zine Are You?" quiz, which asks such telling questions as "How many staplers do you own?" Other contributors include AEH, Bonnie Cooper, Kari Tervo, Mer, Anna Sellheim, Eric Bartholomew, Bradley Adita, Todd Taylor, and Keith Helt. - C.E.


More by Bradley Adita, AEH, Eric Bartholomew, Anna Jo Beck, Bonnie Kaye Varga Cooper, Keith Helt, Billy McCall, Mer, Juli Jump Rope, Anna Sellheim, Todd Taylor and Kari Tervo