Once again, Lucky Peach at the top, followed by some of the usual suspects. However, we got in a publication from AK about Zapatistas, which is a topic that always seems to work here. Also, a local Chicago guide that I think may be its first time on our Top 10, if I remember correctly. Noah Van Sciver’s history comic rounds out the mix, and that’s available on our website, as are all of the items that have links. Other things, well, guess you’ll have to come in the store or give us a buzz at 773-342-0910.
1. Lucky Peach #1 Sum 11 $10.00 – I read this straight through right before I went to sleep the other night and had an INTENSE NIGHTMARE ABOUT RAMEN. Woke up hungry. -EF
2. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen vol 3 Century #2 1969 by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill (Top Shelf) $9.95 – The newest issue!
3. Juxtapoz #128 Sep 11 $5.99
4. Add Toner: A Cometbus Collection by Aaron Cometbus (Last Gasp) – Collects Cometbus 44-48 and a bit of new material. Tales from the Dead End, Lanky, and the Back to the Land series.
5. Cometbus #54 In China With Green Day by Aaron Cometbus $4.00 – Always a Quimby’s staple.
6. Commune In Chiapas: Mexico and the Zapatista Rebellion (PAGP) $5.00
7. We Should: A Selective Guide to Chicago by Laura Szumowski $7.95 – Need a cooler guide to the city than those other alternative weekly or NFT books? Try this one.
8. Death of Elijah Lovejoy by Noah Van Sciver $5.00 – VanSciver’s snarly lines and curmudgeonly tendancies lend themselves nicely to his mayhem-laden comic about pre-civil war lynch mobs and the ambush and murder of abolitionist and jounalist, Elijah Lovejoy. -EF
9. Plazm #30 $10.00
10. Dazed & Confused #100 Aug 11 $9.99