Well, well, well. You may have noticed we skipped last week’s new stuff posting because one of us was on vacation. Well, we’re back. So it’s a huge list, since there’s 2 weeks worth of stuff listed. And today being Geekoween Trick Or Treat — oops, no that’s Free Comic Book Day — we have some free comics left here for you. Get ’em while they’re hot! And at 7pm tonight Trubble Club is drawing you. Yes you!
…New Stuff This Week!
Brilliant Mistake #3 by Carrie $1.00 – School’s out and Brilliant Mistake goes on the road, misses home, has fucked up shoes and, uh, calls it quits?
Archive vol 3 #1 – Mei Mei Little Gray – Newsletter From the Green Lantern $2.00
ASCII Emu Oil Shampoo by Caroline Picard (Green Lantern Press) $4.00
Zaborski #2-#5 $2.00 each
Curdled Milk by Robin Hustle $3.00
Mammal Magazine #3 a Paralyzing Journey Into the Realm of FEAR $10.00
Pool Boy Magazine #1 Win 10 $10.00
Proof I Exist #13.5 – Almost Attack of the Bear by Billy $.50
Chicago Streetstyle Scene $10.00
Adita #00 by Adita $.50
Dinner by Billy McCall $3.00
Oh So Big #1 by Paula Gillen $20.00
Acksore #1 by Ack and Eyesore $12.00
When the Crash Meets Something Solid #7 Widowmaker by Gabrielle Congrave $3.00
So Me and You Are Reading This Zine #6 May 11 by Justin Michael Valmassoi $3.00
Likes Dislikes #2 by Lacey Prpic Hedtke $2.00
Excitement and Adventure by Lacey $14.00
Lover by Devan Elyse Bennett $2.50
Adventures of the Lesbian Hausfrau #4 Highlights for Kidlike Adults by Devan Bennett $1.50
I Was Born But #2 the Weird Issue Are you Hexperienced by Emily Nilsson (Sparkplug) $2.50
Dodgem Logic #8 Spr 11 $7.00 – Alan Moore’s little zine. How cute!
Xerography Debt #28 $3.00 – A review zine with perzine tendencies.
Flush an Epically Shitty Zine by Nicki Yowell $3.00
Slice of Life My Pizza Memories by Nickie Yowell $3.00
Day Trips #1 Two Stories by Grace Tran $3.00
You Don’t Get There From Here #18 by Carrie McNinch $2.00
Black Eye #1 by Ryan Standfest with Onsmith, Paul Nudd, Ivan Brunetti and more! $14.95
Lemon Styles by David King (Sparkplug) $9.00
Disgusting Room by Austin English (Sparkplug) $6.00
Bad Breath Comics #3 by Josh Juresko $2.00
Happy Hour in America #2 by Timothy Lane (Spit and a Half) $3.95
Gutter by Isabella Rotman and Peter Hanlon $5.00
RASL #10 by Jeff Smith $3.50
Doppelganger by Tom Neely $4.00
Behemoth #1 by var.$2.00
Stranger Knights #1 by var. $5.00
Class Reunion #3 by CE Newton $2.50
Little Frownys Day $4.00
Everything Dies #6 by Box Brown $5.00
Sequential Vacation #1 The Robbery by Sar Shahar $4.00
Colibri #2 $6.00
Zinc Comics Presents Jake Wilde Annual by Brian Payne $2.00
Spots – A Caterpillar Tale by Katherine Roy $5.00
Egypt – A Collection of Sketches Drawings and Comics by Katherine Roy $5.00
Lemon Accordion Silkscreened Zine by Jen Tong $15.00
Legend of Amos Moses #1 by Sydney Fletcher $5.00
Have You Ever Heard of Patrice Lumumba? Of Course You Haven’t by Danielle Chenette $3.00
Cartoon Picayune #1 by Joshua Kramer $3.00
Nurse Nurse #6 by Katie Skelly (Sparkplug) $3.00
Estrus Comics #7 Misc by MariNaomi (Sparkplu) $4.00
Reich #8 by Elijah J Brubaker $4.00
Thank You NASA #2 Intern Reverse Cowbell by Simon Hunt $5.00
Spuds Malone #2 Private Eye by Rv Xen $2.50
Sunny Place Yeon Kim Ji $2.00
Moving Toward One Screen by Bryce Wilner $9.00
It Is Almost That: A Collection of Image and Text Work by Women Artists and Writers ed. by Natalie Kraft (Siglio) $45.00
Byproduct: On the Excess of Embedded Art Practices by Marisa Jahn (YYZ) $29.95
Art Work: Seeing Inside the Crative Process by Ivan Vartanian (Chronicle) $24.95
Paper Cutting: Contemporary Artists Timeless Craft ed. by Laura Heyenga, Rob Ryan and Natalie Avella (Chronicle) $27.50
Beautiful Struggle Art of Dzine by Dzine (DGV) $60.00 – The work of Dzine, who was born in Chicago as Carlos Rolon in 1970, alludes to Latin American Kustom Kulture and aesthetics from ghetto to baroque.
Behind the Zines Self Publishing Culture by R. Klanten and M. Hubner (DGV) $60.00
Street Art: The Best Urban Art from Around the World ed. by KET (MO) $15.95
Nuevo Mundo: Latin American Street Art by Maximiliano Ruiz (DGV) $55.00
3D Street Art (Tectum) $39.95
Railway Maps of the World by Mark Ovenden (Viking) $35.00 – From the author of Transit Maps of the World.
Paying For It a Comic Strip Memoir About Being a John by Chester Brown (D&Q) $24.95 – Don’t miss Chester Brown here at Quimby’s on 5/11, 7pm!
Eye of the Majestic Creature by Leslie Stein (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Bat Boy The Complete Weekly World News Comic Strips by Peter Bagge (IDW) $17.99
The Next Day by John Porcellino,Paul Peterson by Jason Gilmore (Pop Sandbox) $16.95 – Meditative comics about ending one’s life.
Ruts and Gullies: Nine Days in Saint Petersburg by Girard Philippe (Conundrum) $17.00
Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths by Shigeru Mizuki (D&Q) $24.95
Deliriums Party: A Little Endless Storybook by Jill Thompson (Vertigo) $14.99
Creating Comics: 47 Master Artists Reveal the Techniques and Inspiration Behind Their Comic Genius ed. by Judith Salavetz (Rockport) $30.00
Plane Story by Kevin Sacco (IDW) $19.99
Supersized Strange Tales From a Fast Food Culture by Morgan Spurlock (Dark Horse) $12.99
Dragon Puncher by James Kolchalka (Top Shelf) $9.95
Johnny Boo And the Mean Little Boy (Top Shelf) $9.95
Animal Crackers by Gene Luen Yang (SLG) $14.95
Hello Do You Work Here? Real Stories Submitted By Real People (Alterna) $7.99
Japan As Viewed by 17 Creators (Fanfare) $25.00
Y the Last Man vol 5 Deluxe Edition by Brian K. Vaughan etc. (Vertigo) $29.99
Remake Special by Lamar Abrams (Adhouse) $9.95
Runaways vol 2: Teenage Wasteland by Brian K. Vaughan etc. (Vertigo) $9.99
Genius Isolated the Life and Art of Alex Toth by Dean Mullaney and Bruce Canwell (IDW) $49.99
Whale by Aidan Koch $10.00
Gay Genius ed. by Annie Murphy $20.00 – Nice anthology with an Edie Fake cover!
DMZ vol 10 Collective Punishment TPB by Brian Wood (Vertigo) $14.99
Making It Radical: Home Ec for a Post Consumer World by Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen (Rodale) $19.99
Vintage Craft Workshop: Fresh Takes on Twenty Four Classic Projects from the 60s by Cathy Callahan – Cathy of California and Meiko Takechi Arquillos (Chronicle) $19.95
Where To Bike: Chicago Best Biking in City and Suburbs by Greg Borzo $24.95
Lost Crafts: Rediscovering Traditional Skills by Una McGovern (Chambers) $16.95 – Now in a petite soft cover.
Love My Bike by Matthew Finkle and Brittain Sullivan (Chronicle) $16.95
Slow Fade by Rudolph Wurlitzer, Will Oldham and DV Devincentis (Drag City) $22.99 – Part audiobook, part art book.
Mutation of Fortune by Erica Adams (Green Lantern Press) $20.00
The Necrophiliac by Gabrielle Wittkop and Dan Bapst (ECW) $14.95
Moment in the Sun by John Sayles (McSweeneys) $29.00
Life After Sleep by Mark R. Brand (CCLap) – The first book from publisher Chicago Center For Literature and Photography. It’s a science fiction novella available in both print ($20) or USB bookcard playable in a variety of devices including Ipods, phones, Kindles and more ($13). The future is now!
You Can Make Him Like You by Ben Tanzer $12.00
Super Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart (Random) $15.00 – Now in soft cover.
Imperial Bedrooms by Brett Easton Ellis (Vintage) $14.95 – Now in soft cover.
Logan Square Literary Review #6 Spr 11 $5.00
Explosion Proof Magazine #1 Premier Issue $11.00
McSweeneys #37 $25.00
The Believer #80 May 11 $8.00
Muted Lines From Someone Else’s Memory by Seth Berg $12.00
Ultraviolet Catastrophe by Andrea Walls $5.00
Before OnStar by Sarah Carson $5.00
About the Author by Larry O. Dean $6.00
The Serial Rapist Sitting Behind You Is a Robot by J. Bradley $7.00
Materiel #02 $8.00 – From the editors of Proximity, Lumpen, Select and more. That’s the Public Media Institute to you.
True Crime Apr 11 $8.99
Bizarre #175 May 11 $10.50
Burlesque Bible vol 1 $16.95
Open Minds Jun Jul 11 $6.50
Taps paraMagazine vol 7 #3 May Jun 11 $5.95
Fantastic Man #13 $12.99
Treating Yourself #28 $7.99
Art of Mary Jane May 11 $6.99
Paper May 11 vol 27 #7 $4.00
Carson #1 $7.99
Famous Monsters Underground Jun Jul 11 $7.99
Mojo #211 June 11 $9.99
Wax Poetics #46 $9.99
Z Magazine May 11 $4.95
Monocle vol 5 #43 May 11 $10.00
In These Times May 11 $3.50
Progressive May 11 $4.95
Against the Current #152 May Jun 11 $5.00
GLQ vol 17 #2 #3 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 2011 $12.00
Class Struggle #70 $3.00
Moomin vol 6 by Lars Jansson (D&Q) $19.95 – We can’t sell you this book until 5/10! But it’s napping and reading for you to come in and pick it up.
Great Wave Inspired by Hokusai by Veronique Massenot by Bruno Pilorget (Prestel) $14.95
Benny and Penny In Toy Breaker by Geoffrey Hayes (Toon Books) $12.95
Cannibal Serial Killers: Profiles of Depraved Flesh Eating Murderers by Dee Christopher Berry (Ulysses) $14.95
Role Models by John Waters (FSG) $15.00 – Now in soft cover!
Wanton West: Madams, Money, Murder and the Wild Women of Montana’s Frontier by Lael Morgan (Chicago Review Press) $24.95
Old Man and the Swamp: A True Story About My Weird Dad a Bunch of Snakes and One Ridiculous Road Trip by Kohn Sellers (Simon) $14.00
Hoboes, Bindlestiffs, Fruit Tramps, and the Harvesting of the West by Mark Wyman (Hill & Wang) $16.00
Medical Muses: Hysteria in Nineteenth Century Paris by Asti Hustvedt (Norton) $26.95
Hit The Ground Stumbling by Nate Gangelhoff $12.00
Dead Funny: Humor In Hitlers Germany by Rudolph Herzog (Melville) $26.00
Acrocanthosaurus – The Bones of Contention by Russell Ferrell $13.95
Oldest Chicago David Anthony Witter (Lake Claremont) $16.95 – Get your local old timey on.
The Beat Cops Guide to Chicago Eats by Sgt David J Haynes and Christopher Garlington (Lake Claremont) $15.95 – Don’t miss the authors here on June 14th!
Manifesto of Real Democracy: The Guide to Liberty Equality and Survival by Democrates $12.00
Work: Capitalism Economics Resistance by Crimethinc (Crimethinc) $11.95
Damned Fools in Utopia and Other Writings on Anarchism and War Resistance by Nicolas Walter (PM Press) $22.95
CIA Makes Science Fiction Unexciting #6 The Life of Lee Harvey Oswald
End of White World Supremacy: Four Speeches by Malcolm X (Arcade) $12.95
Black Feminist Thought by Patricia Hill Collins (Routledge) $29.95
Workers Write: Tales from the Courtroom $8.00
Skull Orchard Revisited: Art, Words, and Music by Jon Langford with David Langford and photographs by Denis Langford (Verse) $19.95 – BOOK + CD PACKAGE. Jon Langford is best known for the music he creates with the Mekons and the Waco Brothers, but he’s gained increasing acclaim for his visual art, too, over the past decade. Nashville Radio, his first book+CD of paintings, writing, and music (Verse Chorus Press, 2005) was a sprawling, jam-packed collection full of punk energy. For this book, Langford has created a highly personal portrait of Wales, where he was born and raised. It incorporates a CD featuring Langford’s rare album “Skull Orchard,” originally released in 1998 on a label that promptly went bankrupt, and revamped and extended with live material (and a Welsh male voice choir) for this edition. The songs’ lyrics, at once autobiographical and fanciful, are illustrated in a series of “word paintings” scattered throughout the book, which also includes an A to Z of Welsh culture and history (personal and general), thematically related etchings and paintings, family photographs, and Langford’s first published fiction, a dystopian fable about a whale and a dolphin.
Talking To Girls About Duran Duran: One Mans Quest For True Love and a Cooler by Rob Sheffield (Plume) $15.00 – Now in soft cover. From the author of Love Is a Mix Tape.
Johnny Cash’s American Recordings by Tony Tost (Continuum) $12.95 – From the 33 1/3 series, where writers write about important records.
Ween’s Chocolate and Cheese by Hank Shteamer (Continuum) $12.95 – Also from the 33 1/3 series.
Taking Punk to the Masses From Nowhere to Nevermind: A Visual History From the Permanent Collection of Experience Music Project by Jacob McMurray (Fantagraphics) $29.99
Wild About You the Sixties: Beat Explosion in Australia and New Zealand by Ian D. Marks, Iain McIntyre and Ian McFarlane (Verse) $29.95
Bring the Noise: 20 Years of Writing About Hip Rock and Hip Hop by Simon Reynolds (Soft Skull) $16.95 – From the author of Rip It Up an Start Again.
Feed Back: The Velvet Underground Legend Truth by Ignacio Julia (DAP) $39.95
One Nation Under Sex: How the Private Lives of Presidents, First Ladies and Their Lovers Changed the Course of American History by Larry Flynt and Eisenbach David PhD (Palgrave) $25.00
Dirty Scrap Book Activities for Adults (Tectum) $19.95
Fukitor #6 $10.00 – Dirty and sexy and scary. A comic!
Satanic Terror #1 $10.00 -Ditto!
Attitude #204 May 11 $10.99
Girls Like Us vol 2 #2 $12.00
Rebel Ink Magazine May Jun 11 $5.99
Tattoo Spirit #50 $8.00