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More issues of Pound the Pavement:
#24 Bonus Tracks to an Encyclopedia of Political Record Labels $8
#33 Shut Rikers $15
#34 Barricade Documentation of the Student Occupations of 2024 In Solidarity With Palestine $25
2 zines by Robert Zant:
Thin Places $15
Bits and Bobs $10
Nature Is Queer by Eve Gordon $2.50
Zines by Wynter Appleford, $10 each:
Cannabis Is Queer
It’s Giving Cuntry: In Queer Defense of Country Music a Fanzine
Why I Left Higher Ed and You Can Too: The TLDR Zine by thetranscribe $10
new issues of mini kuš!, $6 each:
#123 Undertow by Sara Boica
#124 COMICUM by Majenye
#125 Into the Thicket by Mark Antonius Puhkan
#126 On the Honeylands of Mars by Matti Hagelberg
Intrusive Thoughts at the Bean #1 by Erika Saindon $4
Novice #2 by Sean McCarthy $10
New comics by Finn Walker:
My Life As a Weapon $5
Myrodemus #4 Genesis $8
Graphic Novels/Manga
The Legend of Kamui vol 1 by Shirato Sanpei (Drawn & Quarterly) $39.95
Art Books
Armed By Design: Posters and Publications of Cuba’s Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (OSPAAAL) by Interference Archive & friends (Common Notions) $40
Funkadelic: The Vibrant Artistry of the ’70s by Victionary $49.95
Politics & Revolution & Essay
Iran in Revolt: Revolutionary Aspirations in a Post-Democratic World by Hamid Dabashi (Haymarket Books) $24.95
In Defense of Barbarism: Non-Whites Against the Empire by Louisa Yousfi $17.95
After Accountability: A Critical Genealogy of a Concept (Revised and Updated Edition) by Pinko Collective $19.95
Between Existentialism and Marxism (New Edition) Jean-Paul Sartre $24.95
Talking About Abolition: A Police-Free World is Possible by Sonali Kolhatkar $16.95
Class, Crisis and the State by Erik Olin Wright $24.95
Sumud: A New Palestinian Reader edited by Malu Halasa & Jordan Elgrably $24.95
Black Psychedelic Revolution: From Trauma to Liberation–How to Heal From Racial, Generational, and Systemic Trauma Through Reclaiming Black Psychedelic Culture by Nicholas Powers, PhD $19.95
Mayhem & Outer Limits
The Real Story of Dinosaurs and Dragons: Science Sets the Fossil Record Straight by Philip J. Senter (Feral House) $24.95
Time Machines: Telegraphic Images in Nineteenth Century France by Richard Taws $50
Blood on Satan’s Claw: or, The Devil’s Skin by Robert Wynne-Simmons with illustrations by Richard Wells (Unbound) $18.95
Food Books
A Story About Pizza by Erica D’Arcangelo $14.99
Elska #50 Odesa Ukraine $20
Big Lofty Dream by Karloz Belasquez $10
Roberto Bolano reprints:
Monsieur Pain $15
The Insufferable Gaucho $16
Amulet $17
Witchcraft for Wayward Girls: A Novel by Grady Hendrix $30
The Contortionists Handbook by Craig Clevenger $18.99
Plastic: A Novel by Scott Guild $18
Lit Journals
KSMT #1 by MJ Woods & friends $7
Drift #14 Fall 2024 $19.99
Moss Piglet January 2025 $15