All Ages Content Featuring Cats

If you’ve ever been to Quimby’s shopping for an underage zine enthusiast, you may have noticed that our kids section is kinda small.  But that’s not because we don’t have zines for all ages; it’s just that we include that creativity in all sections throughout the store.  So we’ve been adding green signs around the bookstore lately to denote All Ages content, and I’m here to highlight a few of my favorites that all just happen to have a cat theme.  

Marceline’s Alley Stories by Cecilia Jane

In this adorable comic, Marceline (a house cat) tells us three tales of her alley starring the creatures she sees and encounters via her window view.  These tales hit on some serious feelings of jealousy, hardship, friendship, mortality, and love without being heavy or hard to understand.  Aside from a brief mention or two or hardships, this comic keeps things positive and hopeful.  Marceline reminds readers to find peace in being yourself, to comfort friends in times of need, and to appreciate a connection without being possessive.  All appropriate lessons for everyone of all ages.  

Cats Words Feelings by Heather Anacker

This perfectly titled zine displays beautiful cat portraits each accompanied by a sentence or two intended to inspire.  While presenting some big ideas (like “When conditions are right things manifest.”), this zine stays simple, digestible, and sweet.  These are ideas worth considering for readers of all ages.  

Cat Butts by Dana Amundsen

I can’t get enough of this micro zine from DnA artists, despite the plethora of cat butt that is presented to me every moment that I am at home.  There are no words past the title page, because the drawings do it all.  The simple line sketches perfectly capture grooming cats; my favorites are the lifted leg poses when the cat pauses, fully exposed, to stare at its onlooker.  These cuties can be readily enjoyed by all ages. 

Purr-haps you also know some of the great all ages content on our shelves.  If so, please drop us a comment or point them out to me the next time you see me at the shop.  Despite my penchant for smut, I’m still a kid (just ask my ma!), and I’ll never grow up, not me.  

Toujours, elizabeth
