I’m passing along info from some folks organizing this thing, so contact them if this is your bag!
Hello, makers of small-press media and other amazing things:
I wanted to pass along this call for entries for part of an art exhibition exploring issues of agency and biology. I’m curating the show together with biologist/artist Andrew Yang for Gallery 400, and we’re working to track down as many science-related zines, comics, brochures etc. as we can.
If you or anyone you know is making zines, minicomics, brochures, DVDs, podcasts or anything else small and easily distributable that has to do with sharing/elaborating upon/explaining biological information: i.e. anatomy, bacteria, insects, the mating habits of other organisms, the ocean, plant life, starlings, dna, etc. etc. etc. please check out our official call for entries HERE <http://artscichicago.blogspot.com/2008/05/call-for-biology-zines-comics-etc.html> .
Deadline for materials is August 1st.
You may also be interested in submitting single-page science zine projects to Andy’s Small Science Collective <http://www.andrewyang.com/sscpage.htm> , which publishes and distributes science-related ephemera both online and in paper form across the country. (And yes, you can submit to both things at once).
Please pass this along to anyone doing cool distributable things having to do in some way with biological themes!
If you have any questions about the project, feel free to drop us an e-mail and we’ll be happy to explain further.