Larry Blasko discusses Opening the Borders

Apr ’07
12:00 am

Larry BlaskoSaturday, April 21st, 7:00 PM
Larry Blasko will discuss and sign his new book Opening the Borders: Solving the Mexico/U.S. Immigration Problem For Our Sake and Mexico?s. Every day tens of thousands of illegal immigrants stream north across the border, overtaxing our healthcare and education system and bringing drugs, disease, and potential terrorists across the border with them. In spite of this, Larry Blasko suggests that the best solution is not a closed border, but an open border policy similar to that enjoyed in the European Union by member countries.
About the author, Larry Blasko served for more than three decades with The Associated Press working as writer, editor, columnist and executive.
What people are saying about the book:
\”With political irreverence as refreshing as the new ideas he proposes, Larry Blasko tells why and how to make the U.S. – Mexico border more open and at the same time more secure against illegal crossings. His is a fresh take on an intractable, urgent issue.\” — Walter R. Mears, Pulitzer Prize winning political reporter and executive for more than 40 years with the Associated Press
?With wry humor, thorough research and compassionate insights, Larry Blasko offers a novel approach to resolving the thorny issue of illegal immigration from Mexico, with a win-win proposal for both immigrants and the American economy.\” –Claude E. Erbsen, retired AP correspondent and executive with over 40 years? experience in Latin American affairs