Apr ’10 |
23 |
7:00 pm |
Four card-catalog-holding librarians will ride into Quimbys on their book carts, zines in hands on April 23rd. These self-professed print culture nerd zinesters will read at what promises to be an entertaining evening stereotype busting. What, you thought all librarians shushed? Well, shush to you.
Zinesters reading include:
Celia Perez, author of the perzine I Dreamed I Was Assertive and mamazine Roots & Wings;
Library school student Jami Thompson of the long-running No Better Voice;
Lower East Side Librarian Winter Solstice Shout Out and Reading Log publisher Jenna Freedman
Nell Taylor, zine contributor and Executive Director of the Chicago Underground Library
There may even be limited references to Boolean operators. You won’t want to miss this chance to get your library geek on!
For more info: http://zinelibraries.info/2010/03/28/zine-librarians-zine-reading-at-quimbys