Perish Plains vol 3 by Keith Jones & Seth Scriver (Perish Publishing) $12.00 – A drawing focused series that pairs two contemporary artists to collaborate on 20-30 pages of abstract landscapes or environments.
Welcome to the Dessert of the Real! Delivered by hand from Toronto, this gorgeous latest volume of Perish Plains drops you in a post-environment shitscape, spins all your candy into glass, and smokes it up in your favorite childhood meth stem. Wander and get lost, step on a rusty nail, get riso-dot lockjaw, drop your sherbet in the sludge. It’s sundown on a garbage-dump world where the DNA’s all effed and the only constant is decay. Give your highbrow a Brazilian wax and let the dregs carry you downstream with a turd for a paddle. ~GS
Tarot Card Zine $2.00
Pac Man Ate Me by Marlon Dionisio $3.00
No Friends #1 $8.00
Feminist Theory Is for Everybody: A Brief Primer on 6 Feminist Theorists We Should Know by Naomi Powers $3.00
Abstract Door #5 Spr Sum 15 Chicago by Vicky Lim $3.00 – The front doors of this smartly assembled little perzine open up & grant you access into the quiet, diary-like ruminations of a lone rando waiting for a bus. Text, photos, drawings, baby hedgehogs. Like tagging along in Lim’s brain for a few stops! ~GS
Oldies 85 by Flannery Cashill $4.00
Embody: A Zine About Navigating Spaces as A Female Identifying Human by Rosie Accola $3.00
Primitive Beast, Language by Mike Olson (Perish Publishing) $10.00
Robert Pizzos Amazing Animal Alphabet Coloring Book $8.95
Hot Bath Cold Whiskey #2 by Maggie Coughlin, Katie Rice & Drew Katchen $5.00
Dirty Art Magazine issues #1 & #2 by Justin Richardson $10.00 each – Graffiti zine.
Drawing Blanks In Front of Your Date at a Poetry Slam by Latenitedraw $3.00
Visual Consequences by Andy Rench $4.00
Comics & Minis
You Don’t Get There From Here #34 by Carrie McNinch $3.00
2 Comics from R. Flagg $10.00 each: Lords of Destiny & Masters of Eternity
Ain’t No Use by Kat Tuesday $8.00 – A story of boy-girl unrequited love in an accordion-fold style reminiscent of the formalistic trapeze acts of Scott McCloud or Jason Shiga — only drawn nicer! Welcome to the dollhouse. ~GS
So Far Collected Works 2012 to 2015 by Mark Conway $2.00
Adventures of my Life #3 by Adam Matthew Roob $4.00
Bad Touch #1 by Corinne Halbert and Scott R. Miller $5.00
Little Vegan #1 Feb 13 by Kane Lynch $8.00 – Vermont vegans have created some cruelty-free cartoon crusaders for your consumption. It’s like Dell Comics with dietary restrictions! Like a lactose-free Little Lulu! Like Richie Rich meets Rod Coronado! When the CCS meets the ALF, the TVP really hits the fan. ~GS
Hate Baby #4 15 $8.00
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
Sacred Heart by Liz Suburbia (Fantagraphics) $24.99
Gigant by Rune Ryberg (Adhouse) $14.95
Chum 25 Artists Go Fishing For Meaning In Fishing $25.00
Dharma Punks by Ant Sang (Conundrum Press) $25.00 – A metaphysical exploration of life, love, friendship, punk rock, blowing things up… and the art of meditation.
Ann Tenna by Marisa Acocella Marchetto $30.00 – An extremely successful but shallow celebrity gossip columnist has an intervention from her cosmic double in a realm beyond our own to make Ann realize the full cost of the humanity she has lost.
Art Books
Collected Hairy Who Publications 1966-1969 ed, by Dan Nadel (Matthew Marks) $50.00
Drawings Of Various Chairs, In No Particular Order by Dan Chainer $10.00
Magic of Lines: Line Illustrations by Global Artists $39.95
Surface by Søren Solkær (Gingko Press) $49.95 – International street art and graffiti. Artists featured include COPE2, ELLE, DabsMyla, Shepard Fairey, LISTER, and more.
Artists Magazines an Alternative Space For Art by Gwen Allen (MIT Press) $24.95
Harper Ever After: The Early Work by Charley & Edie Harper (Pomegranate) $45.00
Edward Gorey: His Book Cover Art and Design by Steven Heller (Pomegranate) $40.00
Wuggly Ump and Other Delights Coloring Book by Edward Gorey (Pomegranate) $7.95
Charley Harper’s Animal Alphabet by Zoe Burke $10.95
Paper Dandys Horrorgami: 20 Scenes to Cut and Fold by Marc Hagan-Guirey $16.95
Cyclopedia: It’s All About The Bike by William Fotheringham (Chicago Review Press) $18.95 – Now in paperback.
Sketch City: Tips and Inspiration for Drawing on Location by by Dopress Books $29.95 – Citified sketchers will be guided through techniques for capturing frenetic street scenes as well as the rare moments of peace found in metropolitan centers with the aid of sections that include basic sketching knowledge, architecture and landscape sketching, common tools and materials, and FAQs about landscape sketching.
Get Up Stay Up: Concise Graffiti Writers Handbook by Danny Croft (Publikat) $19.95
The Culinary Cyclist: A Cookbook and Companion for the Good Life by Anna Brones (Microcosm) $9.95
Wolf In White Van by John Darnielle $16.00 – John from the Mountain Goats writes fiction. Now in soft cover.
Consumed by David Cronenberg $17.00 – Now in soft cover.
Defiant by M. Quint (McSweeneys) $18.99
Tables without Chairs #1 by Brian Alan Ellis $10.00
When the Sick Rule the World by Dodie Bellamy (Semiotext(e)) $17.95
Carnival at Bray by Jessie Ann Foley (Elephant Rock Books) $12.95
Vile Men by Rebecca Jones-Howe (Dark House Press) $15.95
You Too Can Have A Body Like Mine by Alexandra Kleeman $25.99 – A missing-person mystery and an exorcism of modern culture. A woman lives with her roommate and boyfriend who wants her to join him on a reality show about eating, watching TV. Adventures, fixations and searches for meaning ensue.
Politics, Revolution & Current Event Books
Wikileaks Files the World According To the US Empire by Julian Assange (Verso Press) $29.95
Fear and Clothing: Unbuckling American Style by Cintra Wilson $27.95
Film, TV, Comedy & Music Books
Yes Please by Amy Poehler $16.99 – Now in soft cover!
The History Of Rock N Roll Songs In Ten Songs by Greil Marcus (Yale U Press) $16.00 – Now in soft cover.
Yeah Yeah Yeah: The Story of Pop Music from Bill Haley to Beyonce by Bob Stanley $17.95 – Now in soft cover.
X Files FAQ: All That’s Left To Know About Global Conspiracy, Aliens, Lazarus Species and Monsters Of the Week by John Kenneth Muir (Applause Publishing) $24.99
The Bollocks: A Photo Essay of the Sex Pistols by Dennis Morris, Billy Idol & Shepard Fairey (Zero+ Publishing) $49.95
A Little History: Photographs of Nick Cave and Cohorts 1981 – 2013 by Bleddyn Butcher (ALLEN & UNWIN) $42.95
Outer Limits & Mayhem
Hitler at Home by Despina Stratigakos (Yale U Press) $40.00 – Adolf Hitler’s makeover from rabble-rouser to statesman coincided with a series of dramatic home renovations he undertook during the mid-1930s. This provocative book looks at the dictator’s three dwellings—the Old Chancellery in Berlin, his apartment in Munich, and the Berghof, his mountain home on the Obersalzberg. Author Despina Stratigakos reveals the previously untold story of Hitler’s interior designer, Gerdy Troost.
Strange Light Afar: Tales Of the Supernatural From Old Japan by Rui Umezawa (Groundwood Books) $18.95
The Bigfoot Book: The Encyclopedia of Sasquatch, Yeti and Cryptid Primates by Nick Redfern (Visible Ink Press) $19.95
Corpses Coffins and Crypts: A History of Burial by Penny Colman $12.99
Maggies Hammer How Investigating the Mysterious Death of My Friend Uncovered a Netherworld of Illegal Arms Deals, Political Slush Funds, High-Level … Secret Role as America’s Hired Gun by Geoffrey Gilson (Trine Day) $19.95
Cannabis Regeneration a Multiple Harvest Method For Greater Yields by JB Haze $16.00
Sex Guides, Culture & Erotica
Designer Relationships: A Guide to Happy Monogamy, Positive Polyamory, and Optimistic Open Relationships by Mark A. michaels (Cleis Press) $15.95
Goddess Of Love Incarnate: The Life Of Stripteuse Lili St. Cyr by Leslie Zemeckis $28.00
Johnny Would You Love Me If…by Brontez Purnell $13.00 – As an HIV+ writer trapped in the Bay Area’s hipster-food-service purgatory, Brontez Purnell (aka Junx from the legendary Gravy Train) is “privy to some pretty tawdry bullshit” — and he’s dishing the whole hot mess up for you ala carte, with a side of tossed salad, and a generous portion of his own soul for dessert. Purnell is a Shaolin monk of shade, with a perzinester’s unblinking addiction to confession, and the kind of razor-in-shoe sense of humor that a writer can only bless you with after signing a couple long-term leases in hell. He can dredge humor from the lowest of lows and the highest of gallows: his positive diagnosis (“I was feeling rather AIDS-y”), a 12-step program (“As part of our treatment process in Barebackers Anonymous we had to complete weekly assignments. Assignment #1: Go buy some condoms you dirty whore”), therapy (“I scheduled an appointment with my therapist even though that bitch is my worst enemy”), bad days at the bath house (“Like if you put every dude shopping at Target on any given day in towels and put them in this sex maze”). Purnell takes life’s lemons and makes a damn good mimosa. He can make you laugh through the horror, and throw in a santaria death-curse recipe at no extra cost. ~GS
Bitch #68 $6.95
Juxtapoz #177 Oct 15 $6.99
Mojo #262 Sep 15 $10.50
Relix Sep 15 $6.99
High Times Nov 15 $5.99
Monocle vol 9 #86 Sep 15 $12.00
Shots #129 $7.25
The Cleaver Quarterly #5 $17.00 – The latest quarter of Cleaver is stuffed like bao with new glimpses at the many ways Chinese culture & cuisine are translated and permutated across this weird, hungry globe. Tea eggs, Hakka heritage, Mexican Chinese eats, a slice of Hawaiian-Chinese food history, Taiwanese breakfasts, the Shanghai Soup Dumpling Index. Learn that “sweet & sour chicken skeleton” is a street food that exists — then do your best to burn the image from your delicate mind. ~GS
Wire #378 Aug 15 $9.99
Fader #99 Aug Sep 15 $5.99
Noble Rot #8 California Special $18.50
Backwoodsman vol 36 #5 Sep Oct 15 $4.95
True Crime Aug 15 $8.99
Smith Journal #15 $20.50
Chap Books
On the Stairs by Dan Ivec $15.00
Muscles Involved by Erin Kautza $7.00
Mirrors for Princes by Lesley Dixon $7.00
Kids Books
Gryphons Arent So Great by James Sturm, ?Alexis Frederick-Frost, ?Andrew Arnold (First Second) $14.99
Charley Harper’s Count the Birds (Pomegranate) $10.95
What Is This by Tamara Shopsin (The Ice Plant) $9.95
Other Stuff
Heed 2016 Nikki Mcclure Calendar $18.00
The Helpless Doorknob: A Shuffled Story by Edward Gorey (Pomegranate) $9.95 – 20 black-and-white cards to shuffle into a story in a small, decorative 3” x 4” box.
Cheers Bitches: 15 Coasters with Cocktail Recipes by Calligraphuck $14.95