Qvimby's First Five Years
by Quimby's Bookstore and Steven Svymbersky
5.5"x7.0", 44p, card stock cover (the color you get is a surprise!), stapled, photocopied b+w
Our illustrious Quimby's founder, Steven Svymbersky, put together a best of compilation, of the first five years of the store (1991-1996), when it was back at 1328 N. Damen (at Evergreen) in Wicker Park, in a 1000 sq. ft. space. Reproduced pages from early Magalog pages, art and more, all celebrating the mirth and mayhem of Qvimby's Queer Store, with artwork by Stu Helm, Chris Ware, Dan Clowes and more. A great companion piece to the Ever Evolving zine. Want to say hi to Steven? Go visit him at Quimby's Bookstore NYC at 536 Metropolitan Ave in Brooklyn, quimbysnyc.com.