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Quimby’s turns 30 this year and we have all sorts of anniversary merch! Quimby’s 30th Anniversary T-shirt by Caroline Cash! $18.99 + Four Inch Quimby’s Logo Sticker, logo designed by Chris Ware $3
Crisis Zone by Simon Hanselmann (Fantagraphics) $29.99
Mel Stringer goodies!!! Stickers, lip balm (!), pins and more!
Slide the Bomb by Keith Herzik $10
Cave Man Noise #4 $5
Drifting Cry Room #55 $3
Do You Like Scary Movies #3 by Ronnie $5
Pretty Girl by Carta Monir $3
Werewolves of Wall Street by Watt $8
Leave Us Alone No Pigs in Our Clubs $3
Spiny Orb Weaver #3 by Neil Brideau, Buttercup, Remus Jackson and Jamila Rowser (Radiator) $10
Montana Diary by Whit Taylor (Silver Sprocket) $5
Comics by Kassandra Davis: Manic Queen of Depression #1 ($5) & Do You Remember the First Time ($10)
That Ol English #1 by CM Campbell $7
Cosmic Burnout #3 by Sheridactyl $15
Dailies #3 by Athena Naylor $10
Graphic Novels
The Butchery by Bastien Vivès (Fantagraphics) $19.99
D+Q reprints of Wendy and Wendys Revenge $22.95 each
Art Books
Letters to Chicago, 2nd edition by Sir Charles (Almighty and Insane) $20
Politics & Revolution
Riot Woman: Using Feminist Values to Destroy the Patriarchy by Eleanor C. Whitney (Microcosm) $14.95
The FBI War on Tupac Shakur: The State Repression of Black Leaders from the Civil Rights Era to the 1990s by John Potash (Microcosm) $18.95
Patriarchy of the Wage: Notes on Marx, Gender, and Feminism by Silvia Federici (PM Press) $15
When to Talk and When to Fight: The Strategic Choice between Dialogue and Resistance by Rebecca Subar & illustrated by Rosi Greenberg (PM Press) $20
Signal 07: A Journal of International Political Graphics and Culture by Alec Dunn and Josh MacPhee (PM Press) $14.95
A World Without Police: How Strong Communities Make Cops Obsolete by Geo Maher (Verso) $26.95
Not A Nation of Immigrants: Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz $27.95
I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs, and Apocalypse … by A. M. Gittlitz (Pluto Press) $23.95
The People, No: A Brief History of Anti-Populism by Thomas Frank $18
DIY Books
Monthly Magickal Record: A 31-Day Spell Journal for Modern Witches by Kelly Cree & Jessica Mullen (School of Life Design/Microcosm) $14.95
Mayhem Books
ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF HELL II: The Conquest of Heaven A Demonic History of the Future Concerning the Celestial Realm and the Angelic Race Which Infests It by Martin Olson, Tony Millionaire and Mahendra Singh (Feral House) $24.95
Music Books
Do What You Want: The Story of Bad Religion by Jim Ruland $17.99
Food & Drugs Books
Unique Eats and Eateries of Chicago by Matt Kirouac (Reedy Press) $20.95
Extreme Cuisine the Weird and Wonderful Foods That People Eat by Jerry Hopkins (Tuttle) $8.99
The Secret Life of Fungi: Discoveries From a Hidden World by Aliya Whiteley $26.95
Shindig #117 july $13.99
Jacobin #42 summer $12.95
Harpers september $7.99
Shots #152 summer $10
Standing on the Verge of Getting It On and Maggot Brain by Adrian Matejka and Nicholas Galanin (Third Man Books) $16.95
American Luc Bat For My Mother by Joshua Nguyen $4.99
Republic of Gum by Jacob Stovall $10
Field Notes – Letterpress-style notebooks $12.95, Assorted role playing game notebooks $16.95 each