Tag Archive for 'craphound'

Help fund publishing Crap Hound #4: Clowns, Devils & Bait

Ya’ll should join us backing this part of the zine canon, yo! They need the dough so they can make it happen.

Chloe Eudaly is raising funds for Crap Hound #4: Clowns, Devils & Bait on Kickstarter! Beloved by artists, crafters and designers alike, Crap Hound is a great resource and a work of art in and of itself. Come on pledgers, help publish! But do it quickly! This project will only be funded if at least $12,500 is pledged by Feb 12, 11:59pm EST.

Just in time for Super Tuesday

After years of waiting the all-new Crap Hound #7 has arrived. Perfect for the upcoming election — tons of clip art for whichever side of the political debate you fall on!