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The July Quimby’s Bookstore Newsletter is available at this link here!
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The December Quimby’s Bookstore Newsletter is available here!
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You know there’s a Quimby’s in Brooklyn, right? Quimby’s Bookstore NYC is at 536 Metropolitan Ave, Brooklyn. Check out some events there this July!
More info at @quimbysnyc at
These events are at Quimby’s Bookstore NYC, not the Quimby’s in Chicago!
We send out a monthly newsletter with all things Quimby’s that you need to be on top of. Read the March issue here or click on the image below.
Sign up for it here to come to your inbox monthly.
This February Quimby’s update is going to be the February Quimby’s e-mail newsletter that will go out next week, but we’re posting it here first, ’cause that’s just the way we roll. For new stuff, scroll past the events to the bottom.
All Quimby’s events are free and start at 7pm unless otherwise noted. For more info about events at Quimby’s, see
Sat, Feb 5th Connor Coyne Reads From Midwestern-Noir Novel Hungry Rats
In Hungry Rats, the Rat Man, a serial killer, is on the loose in Flint, Michigan. Meredith Malady, a high-school girl with a dysfunctional family and a terror of rats sees some common threads between her own life and the killer’s MO. She runs away from home to unearth a trail of clues, determined to catch a killer, but unsure what she’ll do when she meets the Rat Man face-to-face.
Thurs, Feb 10th Sanya Glisic Presents Her New Version of Struwwelpeter
Struwwelpeter, first published in Germany in 1844, contains ten cautionary tales for children, each one with a clear moral and overly exaggerated consequences for misbehavior. Glisic’s book is a handbound piece of art containing 36 pages of full color screen prints utilizing an astonishing array of overlays and halftones.
Fri, Feb 11th Carrie Colpitts and Jami Sailor with Friends
Valentine love is in the air in February, and to celebrate, this event celebrates a split-zine of Brilliant Mistake #4 + Your Secretary #8. Jami and Carri are also bringing their zinester friends in to celebrate. Fellow readers include: Dave Roche of On Subbing, L.B. of Truckface, Puppy Dave of Black Carrot, as well as a performance from Laura Palmer and the Kates!
Sat, Feb 12th Arthur Flowers Reads From I See the Promised Land
In celebration of Black History Month, performance artist and oral historian Arthur Flowers shares with us his graphic novel I See the Promised Land: A Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. here at Quimby’s. Artist Manu Chitrakar, a scroll-painter from Bengal, India, carries the tale confidently into the vivid idiom of Patua art, turning King’s journey into a truly universal legacy that traverses the milestones of King’s short life, his ministry and journey.
Sat, Feb 19th James Kirkpatrick/Thesis Sahib Launch for Before The End
Before the End showcases over fifty full-colour pages of James Kirkpatrick’s paintings, drawings, and sculptures, and includes a download card for his new 16 – song album as well known graffiti artist and rapper Thesis Sahib. When you’re done with the card, you can plant it to grow wildflowers! It also comes with a blue vinyl 7-inch record featuring two previously unreleased tracks, noises from four of his sound sculptures, and two songs from the full length album.
Feb 26th Mildred Pierce Magazine Issue #4 Release Party
Celebrate Mildred Pierce #4, the theme of which is “Comedy and the Grotesque.” It has a hot cover designed by Edie Fake and pieces about art, writing and countercultural cultural criticism. Refreshments will be provided, a limited edition zine will be sold, and a variety of contributors will be reading, including: The evening’s program will feature readings and performances by MP contributors James Tadd Adcox (Artifice Magazine), Edie Fake (Gaylord Phoenix), Jim Joyce (Or Let It Sink), Vicky Lim (Dear Jaguar), Ed Choy Moorman (Ghost Comics), and writer/artist Ellen Nielsen.
Further down the pipeline in March at Quimby’s:
March 7th: Deb Olin Unferth Reads Revolution: The Year I Fell in Love and Went to Join the War With Adam Levin, author of The Instructions
March 10th: Mike Sacks Reads From Your Wildest Dreams, Within Reason
March 22nd: Al Burian and Friends Read From Burn Collector #15
March 25th at 9pm: Zinester Karaoke
March 29th: Josh Alan Friedman Reads From Black Cracke
For details, stay tuned at
And don’t miss…
Quimby’s is proud to co-sponsor Chicago Zine Fest 2011, Friday, March 25th and Saturday, March 26th, at various locations around town, including a day of zine tabling on Sat, March 26th from 10-5 at the Conaway Center Columbia College at 1104 S. Wabash Ave, featuring a DIY film festival, workshops, lectures from zine rock stars Aaron Cometbus and Al Burian!
As part of the opening night’s festivities at 9pm on March 25th, Quimby’s is having Zinester Karaoke for giggles, whether you’re a zinester or a fan.
Want to help raise funds to help CZF bring you all of these amazing festivities? Register for the Valentine’s Day Card fundraiser held on Sunday, Feb 6th 2-5pm at 826CHI/Boring Store.
For more info about Chicago Zine Fest, see
New Stuff
Fashionable Activism #1 Hardcore Punk Fanzine by Kevin McCaughey $2.00
Birdsong #14 $6.00 – The “Anew” issue of this hearty, arty, micropressed, silkscreenized zine. Humble Humdrum Cotton Frock #3 A Twilight Teeter Into Organic Esoterics $3.00
Judas Goat Quarterly #48 by Grant Schreiber $1.50
Public Collectors Paper Blog – Feeling Emotion in Everyday Life by Marc Fischer (Temporary Services) There are many types of libraries in the world but none quite like this one.
Parfait #4 Style Sheet fall 10 by Emily $2.00
Narcolepsy Press Review #6 $2.00
We’ll Never Have Paris vol 7 Win 10 Modern Fire $4.00
Basic Paper Airplane #4 by Joshua $3.00
If I Could Live in Hope – Sexual Abuse and Survival by Kisha Hope $3.00
Mountain Wilds by Jay Krevens $6.00 – Jay moved to the Portland and just sent us some new scenic love of misty lore and cabin crafts, looming, owling, bear worship and astral travails. Accordian folded booklet has crafts on one side and mountainscape panorama on the reverse. -EF
Boneshaker #43-100 A Bicycling Almanac $8.00
The Inner Swine vol 16 #3 and #4 by Jeffrey Somers $2.00 – Mr. Somers still publishing and being hilarious.
Fun Danger Danger Fun #1 by Richard Gin $7.00
My Dance The Skull #1 by Megan Diddie $5.00
Dragon Slutz $3.00
Unicorn Whores $3.00
Heh Head Corpuscorpus #3 ed. by Paul Nudd $20.00 – Show catalog for the Heads On Poles exhibit at Western Exhibitions (the show being up until Feb 19th). Each artist used the idea of Heads On Poles their own way. Artists include David Shrigley, Onsmith, Lilli Carre, Mike Diana, John Hankiewicz, Keith Herzik and more.
Brainscan #26 by Alex Wrekk $2.00 – Answers the question, “What’s the Deal With You And Microcosm?” Inquiring minds want to know!
Johnny America #8 $3.00
Reality Mom vol 8 #1 Win 11 $3.00
So Me and You Are Reading This Zine #4 and You’re All Like Whoa This Is Great I’m All I Know by Justin Michael Valmassoi $3.00
False Flag (Picturebox) $15.00
Alan Moore’s Dodgem Logic #6 Oct Nov 10 (Knockabout) $7.00
Herbal Healing for Piercings and Tattoos Organic Aftercare for Everyone by Anastasia Weedsmith $3.00
Proof I Exist #13 by Billy Da Bunny $8.00 – As per Billy’s own review: “Seven awesome, but random, stories from my life, typed out on a computer, then cut n’ pasted all DIY-style.” Yay for Billy!
Smoking Typewriters The Sixties Underground Press and the Rise of Alternative Media by John McMillian (Oxford) $27.95 – With a section about zines at the back.
Two Eyes of the Beautiful #2 A Grotesque Horror Manga Based on Umezu Kazuos Bloo by Ryan Cecil-Smith $5.00
Phase 7 #008 by Alec Longstreth $4.00
Notes On Conflict by Susie Cagle (Sparkplug) $6.00 – About the artist’s trip to the Middle East. Thoughtful and compelling.
Food Stamp Foodie #1 A Mini Zine of Inexpensive Vegan Cookery by Virginia (Sparkplug) $2.00
Stories I Wish I Could Tell You #2 by Tim Manley $3.00
Attack Of The Zombie Soy Bot $2.00
Whiskey Jack and Kid Coyote Meet the King of Stink by Shawn Cheng (Sparkplug) $2.00
Kus #8 Comics Anthology $8.00
Mould Map #1 New Comics and Narrative Art Publication (Picturebox) $12.00
Conversating by Martine Workman $8.00
Treasures of Sky Mall Your Inflight Shopping Magazine by Emma Correll (Little Otsu) $6.00
Catalogue de Boulons by Julie Doucet (Mille Putois) $5.00 – 3-color silkscreened artist portfolio. A circus of boulons in all shapes and functions harnessed by Doucet’s legendary homebrew design sensibility. En francais.
1 800 Mice #5 by Matthew Thurber (Picturebox) $6.00 – Brilliant and brimming with absurdist sex, escalating mayhem and dithering dimensional personalities.
Rabid Rabbit #12 Goes to Hell $6.00
Right Thing The Wrong Way: The Story of Highwater Books by Greg Cook and Tom Spurgeon (Bodega) $10.00 – The Catalog to Right Thing The Wrong Way art exhibit at the Fourth Wall Project in Boston MA. This oral history includes work and words by the core artists involved in the development of Highwater Books (Brain Ralph, Megan Kelso, Ron Rege, Jordan Crane, Greg Cook, Jef Czekaj, Marc Bell, Kurt Wolfgang).
Crickets #3: Sex Morons by Sammy Harkham $8.00
Neonomicon #3 by Alan Moore (Boom) $3.99
World War 3 Illustrated #41 30th Anniversary Issue $7.00
Eyeball Comix #2 $7.00 – Carved up, bezerker, infected-wound style comics mayhem from Britain. High-Grade Low-Grade shit. -EF
Three Stories by Lisa Cline $3.00
Bubblegum Party by Lee Bretschneider $4.00
Poseur #4 by Nat Hoonsan $3.00
Robbie and Bobby #1 A Comic Primer by Jason Poland $5.00
Candy Gang #4 Dream Nights by Chet Pickens $4.00
Hoyo de Gusano #1 by Ines Estrada $8.00
How To Be Lolita by Jojo $3.00 – Super cute fashion guide. Hint: Dressing Lolita involves lots of bows!
Takes One to Know One: Douche Bags – A Love Story by Jordan A. Fu $3.00 – Woah, Jordan, that guy’s an asshole.
Using A Multisensory Environment $8.00
Kim Gee Comics #1 by Kim Gee $5.00
Dewey Decimal System Is Decadent and Depraved A 24 Hour Comic by Bill Volk $2.00
Only Skin #6 by Sean Ford $5.00
Trigger #2 by Mike Bertino (Revival House) $5.00 – After doing three stories in three styles in the last issue, Bertino does three wildly different narratives here with a more unified look, like he’s been pinning stuff down. A lot of the characters are hapless assholes and it makes me think of what that means for the structure of the stories and the title “Trigger” itself…as in, it’s a comic about the grating destructive aspects but managed with subtlety and craft. The drawing skillz certainly pay the bills and seeing #1 and #2 together is making me think I do like reading about jerks. The plotlines are a Vermilean absurdity of hellbent talking pants, a continuation of the Huizengian suburban snark story of a newbie high school teacher and an outer space colonization story that pulls a little from Matthew Thurber and a lot from Star Trek. -EF
Fucussle Blecky Yuckerlla vol 4 A Comic Strip Collection by Johnny Ryan (Fantagraphics) $11.99 – Just to give you an idea, if you’re not familiar with the work of omnipresent Johnny Ryan, words that can also be found on the cover of the book are “Fuck You Ass Hole asshole Fuc U Ss Le FYA.” Just so you know.
I See The Promised Land by Arthur Flowers and var. (Tara) $16.95 – Modern-day griot Arthur Flowers shares this beautiful graphic novel on Dr. MLK Jr. here at Quimby’s on 2/12.
Cursed Pirate Girl TPB by Jeremy A Bastian (Olympian) $20.00 – Don’t miss the release event for this book at our sister store, Chicago Comics on 2/26!
Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes (Pantheon) $16.00 – Same ol’ Haven, now in softcover to match your old Garfield books.
AOA vol 1 Daily Diary Comics of Melinda Boyce $18.00 – Collects diary comics from March to August 2009.
Denis Kitchen’s Chipboard Sketchbook (Boom) $19.95 – In 1969, Denis Kitchen founded Kitchen Sink Press and for 30 years published many of the most prominent and innovative creators in the comics field. But he was also underground cartoonist who self-published Mom’s Homemade Comics in 1968. Here’s his sketchbook.
King of the Flies vol 2 Origin of the World by Mezzo and Pirus (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Stigmata by Lorenzo Mattotti and Claudio Piersanti (Fantagraphics) $19.99
New Character Parade by Johnny Ryan (Pigeon) $12.00 – 120 full-page strips starring 120 ridiculously clever characters including: Stink Saw, Mammuel Clemens, Judge Judy Dredd, Tron of Finland, Sherlock Homeless, Metaliban, Shark Fluffer, Sir Oreo Monocle, The Erotic Art Collecting Squirrel, and Lesbian Spock. New Character Parade is Ryan’s pièce de résistance, shamefully funny!
Drew Friedmans Sideshow Freaks by Drew Friedman (Blast) $19.95
This Train an Artists Journal by Tony Fitzpatrick (Firecat Press) $40.00 – Wonderful new print book with the work of the local artist Tony Fitzpatrick.
Photobooth: The Art of the Automatic Portrait by Raynal Pellicer (Abrams) $35.00 – Edited by the author of Mug Shots, the book featuring celebrity mug shots. Come to Quimby’s for the book Photobooth. Stay to use ours!
Mascots by Ray Fenwick (Fantagraphics) $22.99
Animal Love Summer by Marion Peck (Last Gasp) $29.95 – Surreal and cute weirdness.
Juxtapoz Erotica (Gingko) $29.95 – Another addition to the popular Juxtapoz series of art books. This time it’s sexy!
Barry McGee Damiani DFW THR by Barry McGee (Alleged) $49.95 – New work from this popular lowbow artist.
Cathexis by Mark McCoy (Teenage Teardrops) $20.00 – Chemical Flesh Fog Photography. Before the End by James Kirkpatrick (aka Thesis Sahib) $39.95 – This 60 page hardcover art book comes with a 16 song digital download card and a color 7″ record of Thesis Sahib’s music. Once finished downloading the album the download card can be planted to grow wildflowers! Don’t miss his event here at Quimby’s on Sat, Feb 19th!
Monte, King of Atom Age Monster Decals: Secrets of Fifties Vintage Decals Revealed by Bill Selby (Last Gasp) $14.95
Viva La Revolucion: A Dialogue with the Urban Landscape by Pedro Alonzo and Alex Baker (Gingko) $29.95 – This show catalog for the exhibition at The Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego documents the historic revolution in visual culture, in which the codes and icons of the everyday found on the streets in graffiti, signage, waste, tattoos, advertising, and graphic design have been used in art. 20 artists from 10 countries including Shepard Fairey, Barry McGee, Ryan McGinness, Swoon, and more.
Day of the Dead El Dia de Los Muertos by Dr. Alderete and Antoni Cadafalch (Korero) $35.00 – contemporary graphics inspired by Day of the Dead, including tattoo and kustom art mixed with Hollywood hip and the graphic tags of L.A.’s Latino gangs. Traditional elements of sugar skulls, flowers, and devils taken to the edge.
Graffiti Coloring Book 2 Characters by Jacob Kimvall $9.95
Clip Stamp Fold: The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X to 197X: M+M Books No 1 ed. by var. (Actar) $54.95
Morphine/My Lady Opium Double Book by Claude Farrere and Jean-Louis Dubut de Laforest (Harper) $14.99 – A “flip book” featuring two classic novels about drugs, decadence—and Paris in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Morphine is a rollicking novel about a handsome cavalry officer who introduces morphine to the aristocrats of 1889 Paris… and sleeps his way through town; and My Lady Opium, a fevered tour through the romantic and mysterious world of opium at the turn of the 20th century.
Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments by HP Albarelli (Trine Day) $29.95
Global Slump by David McNally (PM Press) $17.00
While Mortals Sleep by Kurt Vonnegut (Delacorte) $27.00 – Unpublished short fiction!
Sebastian Cross (History is not made without Casualties) by Kevin Lynn Helmick $15.00
Modem Times 2.0 Plus by Michael Moorcock (PM Press) $12.00 – From beloved British science fiction weirdo Moorcock, continuing the ongoing Jerry Cornelius chronicles in the present day.
Hungry Rats by Connor Coyne $16.00 – A teenage girl with a fear of rats tracks a serial killer named the Rat Man. Don’t miss Connor’s event here at Quimby’s on 2/15!
Forgery by Amira Hanafi (Green Lantern Press) $20.00
Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse by Lonely Christopher (Akashic) $15.95
Moors by Ben Marcus (Madras Press) $7.00
Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman/Dave McKean (Harper) $10.50 – Now in soft cover.
Nobrow #2 $17.50
Hi Fructose #18 $6.95
Capricious #11 $17.00
2600 Hacker Quarterly vol 27 #4 $6.25
Fortean Times #271 Mar 11 $11.99
Ready Made #51 Feb Mar 11 $4.99
Razorcake #60 $4.00
Bizarre #171 Jan 11 $10.50
Make vol 25 $14.99
Bust Feb Mar 11 $4.99
Fangoria #300 $8.99
Maximumrocknroll #333 Feb 11 $4.00
Against the Current #150 $5.00
Juxtapoz #121 Feb 11 $5.99
High Times Mar 11 $5.99
Tape Op #81 Jan Feb $4.95
Gothic Beauty #32 $5.95
Treating Yourself #26 $7.99
Boneshaker Magazine #3 $8.00
Mojo #207 Feb 11 $9.99
In These Times Jan 11 $3.50
Yeti #10 (Yeti Publishing) $11.95 – Everything is Terrible, interviews with Jacuzzi Boys and Robert Scott of the Bats, a fiberoptic anatomy lesson from Pavel Tchelitchew, some inky Nick Gazin spot illustrations, a bony brill mickey mouse zine by Cassie Ramone and a drop-dead gorge Memphis Elvis photo portfolio by Ted Barron. Comes with CD.
The Believer #78 Feb 11 $8.00
Small Murders by Carrie McGath $14.00
Cousin Corinnes Reminder #2 $20.00
Knee Jerk Offline vol 1 MMX $14.00
See You in the AM #1 by Dane Kuttler $4.00
Stories of Apples and Bellies #2 by Dane Kuttler $5.00
Explorers Are We #3 by Xavier $1.00
McSweeneys #36 $26.00
Make Chicago Literary Magazine #10 Fall Win 10 At Play $12.00
Journal of Ordinary Thought Fall 10 $10.00
Six By Six #22 You Have a Bone (Ugly Duckling Press) $5.00
The Poisoners Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine In the Jazz Age by Deborah Blum (Penguin) $16.00
Freemasonry: An Introduction by Rivera Marke E Koltko PhD (Tarcher) $11.95
Zombie Spaceship Wasteland HC by Patton Oswalt (Scribner) $24.00 – Hilarious words from this articulate and witty comedian.
Zombies History of the United States from the Massacre at Plymouth Rock… by Dr. Worm Miller (Ulysses) $13.95 – If Howard Zinn was a member of the undead, he would have written this book.
Kivas of Heaven: Ancient Hopi Starlore by Gary A. David (Adv Unl) $19.95
Cosmic Ships, Truth and Lies About UFOs: Other Humanities and Our Future by Samael Aun Weor (Glorian) $12.95
Dark Stars Rising: Conversations from the Outer Realms by Shade Rupe (Headpress) $27.95 – 27 candid interviews spanning 24 years conducted by New York film writer Shade Rupe, known for his avant interests and the cultural realm he inhabits with his Funeral Party books. Interviews with the smaller half of Penn & Teller, Divine, Crispin Glover, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and more.
Nomad Codes Adventures in Modern Esoterica by Erik Davis (Yeti Publishing) $17.95 – “Erik Davis explores the codes (spiritual, cultural and embodied) people use to escape the limitation of their lives and enrich their experience of the world, from Asian religious traditions and West African trickster gods to Western occult and esoteric lore, to media technology and psychedelic science. Whether his subject is transvestite Burmese spirit mediums or Ufology, tripster king Terence McKenna or dub maestro Lee Perry, Davis writes with keen yet skeptical sympathy, intellectual subtlety and wit, and unbridled curiosity.”
Just Kids by Patti Smith (Ecco) $16.00 – Now in soft cover.
Seasons They Change: The Story of Acid and Psychedelic Folk by var. (Jawbone) $19.95
Pleasure Bound Victorian Sex Rebels and the New Eroticism by Deborah Litz (Norton) $27.95
Josh #3 Fall 10 Remember Me Forget Me $12.00
Handbook vol 5 #1 2011 $6.00
Filament vol 2 #3 $12.50
Teens At Play #4 by Rebecca (Eros) $4.95
I Like to Watch: Gay Erotic Stories by Christopher Pierce (Cleis) $14.95
Love In Abundance: A Counselors Advice on Open Relationships by Kathy Labriola (Greenery) $15.95
OP Original Plumbing Trans Male Quarterly #5 The Fashion Issue $8.00
Allen Ginsberg Toy Vinyl Figure and CD Set (Press Pop) $44.99 – Introducing the 3rd figure from the Great People Series by Archer Prewitt! The Allen Ginsberg Doll, officially approved by the Allen Ginsberg Estate. Comes with fabric cloth jacket, glasses, book, Uncle Tom hat, beaded necklace, and CD with 5 poetry readings and 1 song (all of the recordings are previously unreleased material).
Limited to 1000 pieces.
Not For Tourists Guide to Chicago 2011 $21.99