Tag Archive for 'Zlumber Party'

Quimby’s 2019 Zlumber Party 1/26-1/27

Jan ’19
9:30 pm


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#zlumberparty has started! #quimbys #quimbysbookstorechicago

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Hey zinesters and comics artists! Come to our Zlumber Party (as in Zine Slumber Party)! This is the seventh year in a row we’re inviting you to come in and spend the night with us working on your zine, and start your year off with a creative frenzy! Get here at 9:30 on Sat, Jan 26th (the store closes at 10pm). Then spend the night here! Stay until 6am Sun, Jan 27th! (And yes, you can leave whenever you want before then if you want or need to.) So bring yer jammies and a sleeping bag, then leave in the morning with what you’ve been workin’ on! There will be snacks! And coffee!

This year we’re rolling out a new party twist: party PRIZES in these categories:

*BEST ZINE-MAKING TOOL (the coolest stapler ever? the world’s neatest scissors? a tiny tiny portable riso printer?)

*BEST PAJAMAS (can anyone say footies?)

*BEST SNACK (got a specialty?)

*BEST SLEEPING ACCOUTREMENT (Will anybody ever top the folks that brought the pup tent one year? Wanna show off that quilt you made from t-shirts?)

What: Zlumber Party 2019!

When: Sat, Jan 26th, 9:30pm – Sun, Jan 27th, 5am

Where: Here at Quimby’s Bookstore at 1854 W. North Ave, Chicago

RSVP: Give us a holler so we have a head count and know how much pizza to order!: info(at)quimbys(dot)com.

Invite your friends with the Facebook invite here.


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#zlumberparty in effect #quimbys #quimbysbookstorechicago #nightatthequimbys

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Helpful hints!

*In terms of what to bring, definitely whatever project you’re working on, whether it’s a zine, a comic, a book, a magazine, an artist book — independent publishing knows no bounds!

*Be here at 9:30pm (the store closes at 10pm). This is NOT a lock in; you can leave whenever you want. You can stay as late as 5am on sunday morning, which is the official end time for the event.

*Wear comfy clothes! Don’t forget your sleeping gear! A sleeping bag if you wanna take a break to catch a few zzzz (or just be comfy), a pillow, footie pajamas, a blanket, slippers…whatever makes you comfy.

*We’ll provide some snacks and coffee, but you may want to bring some snacks with you if you like. A good way to make new friends is bring food, is all we’re saying. If you have food sensitivities or allergies please bring whatever nourishment you need to bring to sustain you.

*We’ll also provide some office supplies (papers, pens, scissors, staplers, that type of thing), chairs and tables.

*One final note: Don’t feel pressured to feel like you have to finish whatever you’re working on before you leave. If you feel excited to work on your project once you’ve been working on it here, that you’ve started your 2019 off jazzed that you got the creative ball rolling, then we’ve done our job (that’s once of the reasons we do this event in January). When you’re all done with your zine and you want to consign it here, we’re excited to sell it for you. More info about consignment here: quimbys.com/consignment

Also, click here for more info about consigning at Quimby’s Bookstore NYC!


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#zlumberparty Workin’ on shit after dark

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Quimby’s 2018 Zlumber Party 1/27-1/28

Jan ’18
9:30 pm

Hey zinesters and comics artists! Come to our Zlumber Party (as in Zine Slumber Party)! This is the seventh year in a row we’re inviting you to come in and spend the night with us working on your zine, and start your year off with a creative frenzy! Get here at 9:30 on Sat, Jan 27th (the store closes at 10pm). Then spend the night here! Stay until 6am Sun, Jan 28th! (And yes, you can leave whenever you want before then if you want or need to.) So bring yer jammies and a sleeping bag, then leave in the morning with what you’ve been workin’ on! There will be snacks! And coffee!

What: Zlumber Party 2018!

When: Sat, Jan 27th, 9:30pm – Sun, Jan 28th, 6am

Where: Here at Quimby’s Bookstore at 1854 W. North Ave, Chicago

RSVP: Give us a holler so we have a head count and know how much pizza to order!: info(at)quimbys(dot)com.

Invite your friends with the Facebook invite here.

Helpful hints!

*In terms of what to bring, definitely whatever project you’re working on, whether it’s a zine, a comic, a book, a magazine, an artist book — independent publishing knows no bounds!

*Be here at 9:30pm (the store closes at 10pm). This is NOT a lock in; you can leave whenever you want. You can stay as late as 6am on sunday morning, which is the official end time for the event.

*Wear comfy clothes! Don’t forget your sleeping gear! A sleeping bag if you wanna take a break to catch a few zzzz (or just be comfy), a pillow, footie pajamas, a blanket, slippers…whatever makes you comfy.

*We’ll provide some snacks and coffee, but you may want to bring some snacks with you if you like. A good way to make new friends is bring food, is all we’re saying. If you have food sensitivities or allergies please bring whatever nourishment you need to bring to sustain you.

*We’ll also provide some office supplies (papers, pens, scissors, staplers, that type of thing), chairs and tables.

*One final note: Don’t feel pressured to feel like you have to finish whatever you’re working on before you leave. If you feel excited to work on your project once you’ve been working on it here, that you’ve started your 2018 off jazzed that you got the creative ball rolling, then we’ve done our job (that’s once of the reasons we do this event in January). When you’re all done with your zine and you want to consign it here, we’re excited to sell it for you. More info about consignment here: quimbys.com/consignment

Also, click here for more info about consigning at Quimby’s Bookstore NYC!

Quimby’s 2017 Zlumber Party 1/28-1/29

Jan ’17
9:30 pm

Hey zinesters and comics artists! Come to our Zlumber Party (as in Zine Slumber Party)! This is the sixth year in a row we’re inviting you to come in and spend the night with us working on your zine, and start your year off with a creative frenzy! Get here at 9:30 on Sat, Jan 28th (the store closes at 10pm). Then spend the night here! Stay until 6am Sun, Jan 29th! (And yes, you can leave whenever you want before then if you want or need to.) So bring yer jammies and a sleeping bag, then leave in the morning with what you’ve been workin’ on! There will be snacks! And coffee!

What: Zlumber Party 2017!

When: Sat, Jan 28th, 9:30pm – Sun, Jan 29th, 6am

Where: Here at Quimby’s Bookstore at 1854 W. North Ave, Chicago

RSVP: Give us a holler so we have a head count: info(at)quimbys(dot)com.

Invite your friends with the Facebook invite here.

Helpful hints!

*In terms of what to bring, definitely whatever project you’re working on, whether it’s a zine, a comic, a book, a magazine, an artist book — independent publishing knows no bounds!

*Be here at 9:30pm (the store closes at 10pm). This is NOT a lock in; you can leave whenever you want. You can stay as late as 6am on sunday morning, which is the official end time for the event.

*Wear comfy clothes! Don’t forget your sleeping gear! A sleeping bag if you wanna take a break to catch a few zzzz (or just be comfy), a pillow, footie pajamas, a blanket, slippers…whatever makes you comfy.

*We’ll provide some snacks and coffee, but you may want to bring some snacks with you if you like. A good way to make new friends is bring food, is all we’re saying. If you have food sensitivities or allergies please bring whatever nourishment you need to bring to sustain you.

*We’ll also provide some office supplies (papers, pens, scissors, staplers, that type of thing), chairs and tables.

*One final note: Please don’t feel pressured to feel like you have to finish whatever you’re working on before you leave. If you feel excited to work on your project once you’ve been working on it here, that you’ve started your 2017 off jazzed that you got the creative ball rolling, then we’ve done our job (that’s once of the reasons we do this event in January). When you’re all done with your zine and you want to consign it here, we’re excited to sell it for you. More info about consignment here: https://www.quimbys.com/consignment

Also, click here for more info about consigning at Quimby’s Bookstore NYC!

Quimby’s 2016 Zlumber Party 1/30-1/31

Jan ’16
9:30 pm


Hey zinesters and comics artists! Come to our Zine Slumber Party (Zlumber Party, geddit? Gosh we’re clever.) This is the fifth year in a row we’re inviting you to come in and spend the night with us working on your zine, because we’ve had so much fun doing it in the past. Get here at 9:30 on Sat, Jan 30th (the store closes at 10pm). Then spend the night here! Stay until 6am Sun, Jan 31st! (And yes, you can leave whenever you want before then if you want or need to.) So bring yer jammies and a sleeping bag, then leave in the morning with what you’ve been workin’ on! There will be snacks! And coffee!

What: Zlumber Party 2016!

When: Sat, Jan 30th, 9:30pm – Sun, Jan 31st, 6am

Where: Here at Quimby’s Bookstore at 1854 W. North Ave.

RSVP: Give us a holler so we have a head count: info(at)quimbys(dot)com or call 773-342-0910.

Helpful hints!

*In terms of what to bring, definitely whatever project you’re working on, whether it’s a zine, a comic, a book, a magazine, an artist book — independent publishing knows no bounds!

*Be here at 9:30pm (the store closes at 10pm). This is NOT a lock in; you can leave whenever you want. You can stay as late as 6am on sunday morning, which is the official end time for the event.

*Wear comfy clothes! Don’t forget your sleeping gear! A sleeping bag if you wanna take a break to catch a few zzzz (or just be comfy), a pillow, footie pajamas, a blanket, slippers…whatever makes you comfy.

*We’ll provide some snacks and coffee, but you may want to bring some snacks with you if you like. A good way to make new friends is bring food, is all we’re saying. If you have food sensitivities or allergies please bring whatever nourishment you need to bring to sustain you.

*We’ll also provide some office supplies (papers, pens, scissors, staplers, that type of thing), chairs and tables.

*One final note: Please don’t feel pressured to feel like you have to finish whatever you’re working on before you leave. If you feel excited to work on your project once you’ve been working on it here, that you’ve started your 2016 off jazzed that you got the creative ball rolling, then we’ve done our job (that’s once of the reasons we do this event in January). When you’re all done with your zine and you want to consign it here, we’re excited to sell it for you. More info about consignment here: https://www.quimbys.com/consignment

*Wanna invite your friends with the event post on Facebook? Here it is: https://www.facebook.com/events/786313241474411/

Quimby’s 2015 Zlumber Party 1/31 and 2/1!

Jan ’15
9:30 pm

Sharpies & Long Arm

Hey zinesters and comics artists! Come to our Zine Slumber Party (Zlumber Party, geddit? Gosh we’re clever.) This is the fourth year in a row we’re inviting you to come in and spend the night with us working on your zine, because we’ve had so much fun doing it in the past. The store closes at 10pm on Sat the 31st and then you’re invited to spend the night here (and yes, you can leave whenever you want). So bring yer jammies and a sleeping bag if you wanna take a break to catch a few zzzz, then leave in the morning with what you’ve been workin’ on. Interested in attending? Give us a holler so we have a head count, at either: info(at)quimbys(dot)com or call us at 773-342-0910. PLUS: Snacks! Coffee! Creative weirdos!

Pizzas took over the new table at The #QuimbysBookstore Zlumber party. Riot Grrrl book review included.

A photo posted by Quimbys Bookstore (@quimbysbookstore) on

And oh yeah, we’ll feed you too.

Facebook event link here.

Sat, Jan 31st 9:30pm – Sun Feb 1st, 8am




Quimby’s Zlumber Party Helpful Info Update!

Hi Everybody!

In terms of what to bring, definitely whatever project you’re working on, whether it’s a zine, a comic, a book, a magazine, an artist book — independent publishing knows no bounds!

Be here at 9:30pm this saturday, the 31st (the store closes at 10pm). This is NOT a lock in; you can leave whenever you want. You can stay as late as 8am on sunday morning, which is the official end time for the event.

Wear comfy clothes! Don’t forget your sleeping gear! A sleeping bag if you wanna take a break to catch a few zzzz (or just be comfy), a pillow, footie pajamas, a blanket, slippers…whatever makes you comfy.

We’ll provide some snacks and coffee, but you may want to bring some snacks with you if you like. A good way to make new friends is bring food, is all we’re saying. If you have food sensitivities or allergies please bring whatever nourishment you need to bring to sustain you.

We’ll also provide some office supplies (papers, pens, scissors, staplers, that type of thing), chairs and tables.

One final note: Please don’t feel pressured to feel like you have to finish whatever you’re working on before you leave. If you feel excited to work on your project once you’ve been working on it here, that you’ve started your 2015 off jazzed that you got the creative ball rolling, then we’ve done our job (that’s once of the reasons we do this event in January). When you’re all done with your zine and you want to consign it here, we’re excited to sell it for you. More info about consignment here.

See you Saturday at 9:30pm!