Dec ’19 |
12 |
6:30 pm |

6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 12
Quimby’s Bookstore, 1854 W. North Ave. in Wicker Park
It’s almost time to flip the calendar to a brand-new decade. 2019 has been a great year for Zine Club Chicago, so let’s get together to celebrate with a snack potluck and Paper Elephant zine exchange. Feel free to bring one of your favorite snacks to share (and we’ll also provide treats to go around, as always). We’ll be playing a fun, zinecentric twist on the classic White Elephant gift swapping game, so please bring a wrapped zine if you’d like to participate. (Bonus points for amazing, unusual, or astounding zines!)
We’re starting the party a bit earlier than usual – 6:30 p.m. – to make sure we have enough time for all our festivities. Zine newbies and longtime enthusiasts alike are always welcome to join us at Zine Club Chicago, the city’s only book club-style event for people who read zines. This free monthly series is produced by Chicago Zine Fest/Midwest Perzine Fest organizer Cynthia E. Hanifin and hosted by Quimby’s Bookstore.
Facebook event link: