1. Darth Vader and Son by Jeffrey Brown (Chronicle) $14.95 – What if Darth Vader took an active role in raising his son? What if “Luke, I am your father” was just a stern admonishment from an annoyed dad? In this hilarious and sweet comic reimagining, Darth Vader is a dad like any other.
2. My Friend Dahmer by Derf Backderf (Abrams) $17.95
3. Are You My Mother: A Comic Drama by Alison Bechdel $22.00
4. Plastik #15 $16.99
5. Hark: A Vagrant by Kate Beaton (D&Q) $19.95
6. Crap Hound #8 Superstition by Sean Tejaratchi $12.00 – A new issue of Crap Hound! This issue meditates on such things as black cats, butterflies, knots, candles…All with a wonderful “Fair Use” collage-y awesomeness.
7. A Greater Monster by David David Katzman and Caitlin Drake McCay (Bedhead) $17.95
8. The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist by Alvin Buenaventura and Daniel Clowes (Abrams) $40.00 – Buenaventura’s assembled a lush monograph on the wild life and secret files of one of Quimby’s favorite Ink Studs. -EF And! Don’t miss Daniel Clowes and Alvin Buenaventura siging here this Thursday, May 17th at 7pm!
9. Fader #79 Apr May 12 $5.99
10. Boys Club #4 by Matt Furie (Pigeon Press) $6.00