Well the storms have stopped and we are still here! A tad damp but no worse for wear. School is about to be back in session so tons of collegiate minds are browsing the shelves as I type this. Dudes this is your chance to meet a woman into Phillip K. Dick…and not just in a chat room, I’m talking real life. So practice those coy looks in the mirror and if you can figure out how to flip the pages of an issues of Optic Nerve with sex appeal then you are money! Anyway enough pick up tips for geeks lets get to the new stuff!!!!!!
New Mags and Zines:
Giant Robot #49 $4.99
Tattoo Tour #19 $8.98
Juxtapoz #80 $4.99
Make vol 11 $14.99
Modern Drunkard #53 $4.50
Beautiful Decay T $5.95
Flaunt #86 $8.95
Hyphen #12 Sum 07 $4.95
Wire #282 Aug 07 $10.99
IDN 14.3 $15.00
New New Comics and Minis and Graphic Novels:
Lucky vol 2 #1 by Gabrielle Bell $3.95
Death By Chocolate Redux by D. Yurkovich $14.95
Tales From the Crypt #2 $3.95
Miss Fury TPB $25.00
Strangers In Paradise vol 19 Ever After $15.95
Raisin Pie #5 $3.50
Tank Girl #3 The Gifting $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots $19.99
Brand New Books:
Cafe Royal #0 $18.00 Art books with all kinds of drawn goodies
Passionate Mistakes and Intricate Corruption of One Girl In America by Tea $14.95
Artifact $39.95 new book from Victionary
Pixacai Sao Paulo Signature $45.00
I Heart U Baby $35.00
Zodiac by Neal Stephenson $14.00
Erotica and Porn and Sex Culture and Dirty Comics
Roy Stuart Vol 1 HC $12.99 Budget high class porn!
Mammoth Book of Lesbian Erotica $14.99
Best Lesbian Bondage Erotica $14.95
AG #64 Super Erotic Anthology $4.99
CDS DVDs Gifts and Accessories for hip lifestyles
Hindu Gods Stationary Set $4.99
Dumpling Dynasty Mix and Match Stationary $8.95
Notable Restocks: Old but New Again:
Tons of Greeting cards and Stickers
McSweeneys Books and ephemera
Atomic Yggdrasil Tarot by Daniel Higgs $15.95 for your third eye