New Stuff This Week

Another person sent us a scan of the pictures they took in our photobooth! Balthazar, a self-described “Imaginary sailor, pretend photographer” sent it us. Check him out at and find out how to request a (dirty) letter & a Polaroid.
Send us your pictures to info(at)quimbys(dot)com that you’ve taken here and we’ll post ’em!

NeW sttUf tHiS wEek

Boneshaker #43-100 A Bicycling Almanac $8.00
The Inner Swine vol 16 #3 and #4 by Jeffrey Somers $2.00 – Mr. Somers still publishing and being hilarious.
Fun Danger Danger Fun #1 by Richard Gin $7.00
Seize the Essance #1 by Alexander Drake $5.00
My Dance The Skull #1 by Megan Diddie $5.00
Dragon Slutz $3.00
Unicorn Whores $3.00
Mild Vilnc #01 $2.00
When the Crash Meets Something Solid #4 the Choke Pear by Gabrielle Congrave $3.00
Friction #2 by Justin Bostian $3.00
No Thoughts #4 $7.00

Smoking Typewriters The Sixties Underground Press and the Rise of Alternative Media by John McMillian (Oxford) $27.95 – With a section about zines at the back.

Notes On Conflict by Susie Cagle (Sparkplug) $6.00 – About the artist’s trip to the Middle East. Thoughtful and compelling.
Food Stamp Foodie #1 A Mini Zine of Inexpensive Vegan Cookery by Virginia (Sparkplug) $2.00
I Have Something To Tell You #1 by Solomon Kidd $5.00
Incredibly Fantastic Adventures of Maureen Dowd #1 A Work of Satire and Fiction by Benjamin Marra (Sparkplug) $3.00
Cursed Pirate Girl TPB by Jeremy A Bastian (Olympian) $20.00 – Don’t miss the release event for this book at our sister store, Chicago Comics on 2/26!

Stories I Wish I Could Tell You #2 by Tim Manley $3.00
Zirp #4 by Till Thomas $7.00
Nurse Nurse #2 by Katie Skelly (Sparkplug) $3.00
Attack Of The Zombie Soy Bot $2.00
Were Going To Do This Arent We $1.00
Whiskey Jack and Kid Coyote Meet the King of Stink by Shawn Cheng (Sparkplug) $2.00
Us In A Box by Spovatar WB Phlecender $4.00
Blindspot #1 by Jospeh Remnant $5.00
Strange Growths #15 by Jenny Zervakis $3.00
Kus #8 Comics Anthology $8.00


Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes (Pantheon) $16.00 – Same ol’ Haven, now in softcover to match your old Garfield books.
AOA vol 1 Daily Diary Comics of Melinda Boyce $18.00 – Collects diary comics from March to August 2009.
Evolution The Story of Life On Earth by Jay Hosler, Kevin Cannon, Zander Cannon (Hill & Wang) $18.95


While Mortals Sleep by Kurt Vonnegut (Delacorte) $27.00 – Unpublished short fiction!
Sebastian Cross (History is not made without Casualties) by Kevin Lynn Helmick $15.00
Solitaire by Kelley Eskridge (Small Beer) $16.00

Nobrow #2 $17.50
Cine Qua Non #3 $5.00
Fortean Times #271 Mar 11 $11.99
Ready Made #51 Feb Mar 11 $4.99
Razorcake #60 $4.00
Z Magazine Feb 11

Believer #78 Feb 11 $8.00
Small Murders by Carrie McGath $14.00
Cousin Corinnes Reminder #2 $20.00

The Poisoners Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine In the Jazz Age by Deborah Blum (Penguin) $16.00
Freemasonry: An Introduction by Rivera Marke E Koltko PhD (Tarcher) $11.95
Still Standing: Addicts Talk About Living Sober, ed. by Bucky Sinister (Conari) $14.95 – Sinister goes beyond the 12-steps with stories from the misfits, freaks, and weirdos that have come to recovery from a variety of backgrounds — tattoo artists, bartenders, musicians, flight attendants–to help answer the What Now? question of living sober. Topics include: 10 Things Every New Recovering Addict Should Have; Prayer and the Atheist; Job Interviews; and Ways Addicts Can Be of Service to Normies.”Bucky’s writing is a lifeline for the non-spiritual.” -Patton Oswalt