New Stuff This Week


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More issues of Pound the Pavement:
#24 Bonus Tracks to an Encyclopedia of Political Record Labels $8
#33 Shut Rikers $15
#34 Barricade Documentation of the Student Occupations of 2024 In Solidarity With Palestine $25

2 zines by Robert Zant:
Thin Places $15
Bits and Bobs $10

Nature Is Queer by Eve Gordon $2.50

Zines by Wynter Appleford, $10 each:
Cannabis Is Queer
It’s Giving Cuntry: In Queer Defense of Country Music a Fanzine

Why I Left Higher Ed and You Can Too: The TLDR Zine by thetranscribe $10


new issues of mini kuš!, $6 each:
#123 Undertow by Sara Boica
#124 COMICUM by Majenye
#125 Into the Thicket by Mark Antonius Puhkan
#126 On the Honeylands of Mars by Matti Hagelberg

Intrusive Thoughts at the Bean #1 by Erika Saindon $4

Novice #2 by Sean McCarthy $10

New comics by Finn Walker:
My Life As a Weapon $5
Myrodemus #4 Genesis $8

Graphic Novels/Manga

The Legend of Kamui vol 1 by Shirato Sanpei (Drawn & Quarterly) $39.95

Art Books

Armed By Design: Posters and Publications of Cuba’s Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (OSPAAAL) by Interference Archive & friends (Common Notions) $40

Funkadelic: The Vibrant Artistry of the ’70s by Victionary $49.95

Politics & Revolution & Essay

Iran in Revolt: Revolutionary Aspirations in a Post-Democratic World by Hamid Dabashi (Haymarket Books) $24.95

In Defense of Barbarism: Non-Whites Against the Empire by Louisa Yousfi $17.95

After Accountability: A Critical Genealogy of a Concept (Revised and Updated Edition) by Pinko Collective $19.95

Between Existentialism and Marxism (New Edition) Jean-Paul Sartre $24.95

Talking About Abolition: A Police-Free World is Possible by Sonali Kolhatkar $16.95

Class, Crisis and the State by Erik Olin Wright $24.95

Sumud: A New Palestinian Reader edited by Malu Halasa & Jordan Elgrably $24.95


Black Psychedelic Revolution: From Trauma to Liberation–How to Heal From Racial, Generational, and Systemic Trauma Through Reclaiming Black Psychedelic Culture by Nicholas Powers, PhD $19.95

Mayhem & Outer Limits

The Real Story of Dinosaurs and Dragons: Science Sets the Fossil Record Straight by Philip J. Senter (Feral House) $24.95

Time Machines: Telegraphic Images in Nineteenth Century France by Richard Taws $50


Blood on Satan’s Claw: or, The Devil’s Skin by Robert Wynne-Simmons with illustrations by Richard Wells (Unbound) $18.95

Food Books

A Story About Pizza by Erica D’Arcangelo $14.99


Elska #50 Odesa Ukraine $20


Big Lofty Dream by Karloz Belasquez $10

Roberto Bolano reprints:
Monsieur Pain $15
The Insufferable Gaucho $16
Amulet $17

Witchcraft for Wayward Girls: A Novel by Grady Hendrix $30

The Contortionists Handbook by Craig Clevenger $18.99

Plastic: A Novel by Scott Guild $18

Lit Journals

KSMT #1 by MJ Woods & friends $7

Drift #14 Fall 2024 $19.99

Moss Piglet January 2025 $15

More From the Archive

I pulled some more stuff from the archive for you people today. LUCKY YOU. I know you all really wanted to see this envelope that says “INVOICE” on it that only contains a letter E  and a fortune cookie fortune. Is that E for sale? Only if you want to — wait for it — BUY A VOWEL.

Or maybe you wanted to see this sign Edie Fake made when they worked here for wood pizza slices someone consigned? This sign was filed away taped (probably accidentally) to a sign for some kind of fish item we were selling for 30 cents. I don’t think those signs were in any way related to each other but they were right next to each other in the crate for 23 years. Good enough for me! I’m thrilled to see that versatility is one of our outstanding traits, people!!

Sidenote about the above 2 pictures: If I had to hazard a guess, I feel like that’s a John Porcellino envelope and a fish sign made by Neil Brideau. Maybe????

Hey! A signed 2003 Sof’ Boy calendar from cartoonist Archer Prewitt of the Coctails/The Sea and the Cake. But why does this one start with October? I mean, I’m sure he gave us a full calendar (probably before 2002 was even over) but I’m trying to remember what happened here in 2003 that we were prematurely like, “Well that’s it! This year IS OVER!” and promptly took the calendar into the basement for storage. Knowing what it’s like around here though, it probably has more to do with us getting a tremendous amount of mail, and we were afraid of it getting lost in the shuffle. Hence it went downstairs to live with whatever else we’ve been hording down there, waiting for over 20 years later to reappear and be given love, in some kind of toy-that-became-real scenario. Well time is now, Velveteen Rabbit 2003 ‘Sof Boy Calendar! It’s October 2003! Log into Friendster and scream into your camera phone because you think nobody can hear you!

Is that Neal Pollack? Reading from The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature here in 2000? Why yes it is. Happy graduation, sir!

And check out that classy all caps serif flyer for the event.

Look at this! It’s queercore luminaries Lynn Breedlove (left) and Nomy Lamm (right) when they were here in 2002. Lynn (Tribe 8) read from their first novel Godspeed, with Nomy (zinester and musician extraordinaire) on the bill as well. This hilarious photo says it all, and I couldn’t love it more.

What else will I unveil in the near future? Will I be buying vowels? Do they offer those wholesale or is that the kind of thing people consign? Stay tuned!






New Stuff This Week


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In Loving Memory of Rabbits, Rats, Birds, Squirrels $12

A Treasury of Florida Man WTF: News Headlines From the Internet and Beyond by Alexandra Montclair (Harpy House Press) $12

Things I Chewed Reviewed $4

Uppercase #64 $24


Beach Day by Lucy Rose Till-Campbell $8

Princess Reverie’s 10000 Year Curse (Wiggle Bird Mailing Club) $10

Comics by Sunny Sponder, $10 each: Plunge, Flish Flash Flush (with Swami Tsunami)

Spin Cycle by melonfarm $8

Politics & Revolution Books

Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman, edited by Jessica Moran and Barry Pateman (AK Press) $18

Teach Truth: The Struggle for Antiracist Education by Jesse Hagopian (Haymarket) $24.95

Art Books

Out of Order by Kay Westhues $20

Doing Stuff

1000 Words: A Writer’s Guide to Staying Creative, Focused, and Productive All Year Round by Jami Attenberg $19.99

Lazy Witchcraft for Crazy, Shitty Days: Easy Spells and Rituals for When You’re Stressed Out, Wiped Out, or Just Have No More Spoons to Give by Andrea Samayoa $19.99


Horse Girl Fever: Stories by Kevin Maloney $16.95

Chap Books

I Want to be a Bowl $2

Recommended Zine Reading for the New Year

Hello, dearest blog voyeurs! Did you keep track of all the books you read in 2024? I didn’t, but I read a ton thanks to that sweet Quimby’s discount and being within walking distance of my local public library. Everyone has different reading styles, and I’m always curious about the habits of fellow readers. The more distractions, the better for my undiagnosed ADHD brain. I personally love to sprinkle a little fun in between marathon book reading, so here is an exciting list of shortform reading to keep you going in between the pages.

County Highway, “America’s Only Newspaper” (their words).

I’m late to the County Highway game, but am glad to have finally arrived. Filled with essays, classified ads, music reviews, and dispatches from small town America, County Highway is an enriching paper that touches on subjects the mainstream media fails to cover.  Some of my favorite stories from past issues: a man who inherits a cabin with beastly neighbors; how ginger (the herb) can cure most of what ails you; a boots-on-the ground report of the devastation in Asheville, NC after Hurricane Helene; and the cultural importance of Dolly Parton & Dollywood.

It’s refreshing to read journalism written with heart and integrity, served offline in a satisfying format that makes me feel like I’m in my old man era.

Full Bleed #2

If you like your horror injected with lots of fun, don’t miss out on ISSUE TWO of Chicago’s finest horror and exploitation zine, Full Bleed! We’re big fans of Full Bleed around here and are extremely stoked about the latest issue. If you aren’t able to make it into the shop or order it online, checkout their Instagram page where the editors post upcoming and relevant film screenings and events in Chicago.

Zines by Ivy Rose

One of my favorite underground comic artists is Ivy Rose, who just came into the shop from Albuquerque, NM to restock her zines! Ivy’s style mixes personal journal entries with hand drawn comics in a way that pulls at your heartstrings. All of the comics are full-color and truly gorgeous. I recommend the most recent issue, Cat Miscall, about keeping yourself safe as a femme and staying away from the creeps. These sweet zines are on our mini-comic wall.

You can’t go wrong with mini-kuš! comics!

Published in Latvia by editor David Schilter and team, kuš! comics gives comic artists around the globe a platform to share their stories by introducing new artists to comic enthusiasts. We recently received a huge shipment of restocks and new titles, as modeled by our resident Devil Lady. Issues #127-130 (pictured) are ready to come home with you.

That’s all I got, you’ll have to come in and explore our collection of zines and books to add to your 2025 reading stack.

xoxo, Angel

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