CAKE FRIDAY EDITION of Drink n’ Draw at Quimby’s

May ’19
7:00 pm
Quimby’s is proud to help co-sponsor CAKE — The (June 1st & 2nd at the Center on Halsted, 3656 N Halsted), a weekend fest featuring for sale, workshops, exhibitions, panel discussions and more. The night before the fest join artists for a special edition of Drink n’ Draw where artists and educators, (author of Spiral-Bound, Walker Bean, and Walker Bean and the Knights of the Waxing Moon) and (author of Teaching Comics, Let Some Word That Is Heard Be Yours, Lawns) will lead a series of drawing games and activities! Come out for a fun time featuring refreshments, socializing and secret prizes!
More info:
Drink n’ Draw at Quimby’s CAKE FRIDAY EDITION
Fri, May 31st, 7pm