1. Skyscraper #30 $4.99
2. I Do Not Want You to Leave by Jacinta Bunnell $2.00
3. Meatpaper #7 Spr 09 $7.95
4. Stop Smiling #38 $5.00
5. 13 Years of Good Luck by Joe Biel etc. (Microcosm) $2.00
6. Bizarre #148 $10.50
7. The First Line vol 11 #1 $3.00
8. Papercutter #8 $4.00
9. Hi Fructose #11 $6.95
10. Chunklet #20 $9.99
Tag Archive for 'Top Ten Bestsellers March'
1. Do Not Disturb My Waking Dream #2 by Laura Park $3.00
2. Stop Smiling #38 $6.99
3. Butt #25 Fantastic Magazine for Homosexuals $9.90
4. Mome vol 14 Spr 09 (Fantagraphics) $14.99
5. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (Vertigo) $19.99
6. East Village Inky #40 $3.00
7. Lint vol 1 by Clara Kazarov $4.00
8. Unlovable (hardcover) by Ester Pearl Watson (Fantagraphics) $22.99
9. Proof I Exist #9 by Billy Roberts $1.00
10. Cinema Sewer #22 $4.00
1. Stop Smiling #38 $6.99
2. The Nation Guide To The Nation by Richard Lingman and the Editors of The Nation (Vintage) $19.95
3. Juxtapoz #98 Mar 09 $5.99
4. Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (Vertigo) $19.99
5. McSweeney’s #30 $15.00
6. Bust Down the Door and Eat All the Chickens #8: Journal of Absurd and Surreal Fiction $5.00
7. Avery #4 Anthology of New Fiction $10.00
8. Do Not Disturb My Waking Dream #2 $3.00
9. Humanbeing Lawnmower #2 Win 09 $5.00
10. 13 Years of Good Luck by Joe Biel, Dylan Gaylan Wilkerson and Chris E Lynch (Microcosm) $2.00