Tag Archive for 'zinster'

Luke “You” & Dave Roche

Jun ’08
7:00 pm

Meet Luke the mind behind YOU and zinster Dave Roche the author of On Subbing: the First Four Years at Quimby’s

Luke is the mind behind YOU a free weekly zine from Melbourne. Every week since 2001, YOU has arrived usually taking the form of a handwritten letter sealed with staples in a paper bag. Issues of YOU are distributed for free in culture and books shops around the globe. YOU is now the subject of a zine anthology YOU: some letters from the first five years.

Dave Roche is the author of On Subbing: the First Four Years. The book contains his tales of woe from working as an substitute education assistant in Portland’s school system. He helps kids who can’t function in normal classrooms focus on their work and keeps kids from fighting while they tease him or adorably flirt with him.  It’s a rewritten “best of” collection from issues #1-4 (The stuff Dave isn’t too embarrassed about) plus some extra stuff from his second to last year of Subbing.

Both authors will be on hand to read and sign books.