Daddy Lightning by Tom Hart debuts on the weekly top 10 at #9 this week.
Thanks to everybody who came out to the Comics & Philsophy Conference at the Universty of Chicago this past weekend. We have two posters Chris Ware designed for the conference we’re proud to be selling, which are both available for purchase on our website! You can look at them here and here.
1. The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist by Alvin Buenaventura and Daniel Clowes (Abrams) $40.00 – Buenaventura’s assembled a lush monograph on the wild life and secret files of one of Quimby’s favorite Ink Studs. -EF…Thanks to everybody that came out for the Clowes and Buenaventura signing here at Quimby’s last week!
2. Are You My Mother: A Comic Drama by Alison Bechdel $22.00
3. Mash Tun #1 Craft Beer Journal $8.00 – Lumpen-based beer rag, crafted in Chicago. Aren’t we funny? Rag, you know like, what you clean a bar with? But also another name for a magazine? And crafted? As in, craft beer but then also this mag is crafted in Chicago? Hello? Hello? Where are you going? Are my jokes that bad? -LM
4. Darth Vader and Son by Jeffrey Brown (Chronicle) $14.95 – What if Darth Vader took an active role in raising his son? What if “Luke, I am your father” was just a stern admonishment from an annoyed dad? In this hilarious and sweet comic reimagining, Darth Vader is a dad like any other.
5. The Death Ray by Dan Clowes (D&Q) $19.95 – Coming-of-age-as-comic-book-parable-told-as-comic-book. Another Clowes mindfuck, conveniently in gorgeous hardcover.
6. Ojitos Borrosos by Ines Estrada $10.00 – A simply killer collection of Inés Estrada’s amazing comics – charmed and pervy and smart and totally unpredictable….I can’t say enough good things about these except that you will love them. Reading them is like drinking your favorite juice and listening to your favorite record on a really nice day. In fact, if you did that AND read these comics all at once you’d probably send yourself into a self-perpetuating orgasm vortex. Ojitos collects a lot of odds and ends – minis and anthologies and one-pagees, and orders them up well with english translation for gringos like me. Get this get this get this. -EF
7. Animal Sex #2 Bugs and Slugs by Isabella Rotman $3.00 – Hot bug on slug action.
8. Girls On Girls #1 Zine and CD: Girls Singing Songs About Girls by Amara Leipzig & Isabella Rotman $5.00 – Amara Leipzig and Isabella Rotman assemble a cover album and cutes ha-hoots liner notes zine that’s all women singing songs originally written by men about women. Gender theory via aural pleasuring. -EF
9. Daddy Lightning by Tom Hart (Retrofit Comics) $6.00 – Hart plays it fast and loose with this beach-bound poopy-baby quest. Drawn with relaxed flair – a little like maakies or old school simpsons in the cavalier slapstick and general heart. -EF
10. Straight To Hell #67 $6.00 – Anonymous reader submitted high-raunch gay sex stories. Feels like heaven to me.