The Minus Times Collected 20 Years 30 Issues, ed. by Hunter Kennedy $16.95 – Begun as an open letter to strangers and fellow misfits, The Minus Times grew to become a hand-typed literary magazine that showcased the next generation of American fiction. Contributors include Sam Lipsyte, David Berman, Patrick DeWitt, and Wells Tower, with illustrations by David Eggers and Brad Neely as well as interviews with Dan Clowes, Barry Hannah, and a yet-to-be-famous Stephen Colbert. With sly humor and striking illustrations, The Minus Times has earned a fervent following as much for its lack of literary pretension as its sporadic appearances on the newsstand. All thirty of the nearly-impossible-to-find issues of this improvised literary almanac are now assembled for the first time, typos and all.
Zines & Zine-Related
Serial Killers Unite #10 $2.00
Telegram #24 Feb 12 by Maranda Elizabeth $3.00
Real Life: A Magical Guide to Getting Off the Internet by Maranda Elizabeth and Dave Cave $3.00
Hippie hippie shake: The dreams, the trips, the trials, the love-ins, the screw ups, the sixties by Richard Neville $16.95 – Collected retrospective of Oz Magazine, at the centre of a cyclone of radicals, rock musicians, artists and hustlers in the 60s.
Nuts #10 $4.00
Noisy Boy #2 Jul 12 by PJ Franzen $5.00
Echo by Aaron Smith $5.00
Snot Rocket City #2 $2.00
Some Things Make No Sense, Like Jeggings by Carrie $1.00
Paper Houses #7 The Batman Issue by Kriss Stress $1.00
Comics & Comix
Maddie #1 by Gabriela Cracraft $5.00
Gold Star by John Martz (Retrofit Comics) $5.00
Sheep Rumble by Sue Cargill $2.00
Beasts of Burden: Neighborhood Watch by Evan Dorkin and Jill Thompson $3.50
Genius and the Fatass by Alex Martin $1.00
Pretentious Record Store Guy #3 by Carlos Gabriel Ruiz $2.99
James Joyce by Ed Choy Moorman $5.00
Art Appreciation vol 2 Sunday on la Grande Jatte 1884 by Georges Seurat $2.00
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
How Would I Know If Youre Dreaming: Finn and Charlie Are Hitched vol 3 by Tony Breed $12.00
Making Of byBrecht Evans (D&Q) $29.95
Karma Tastes Like Diet Coke by Chris McKay $8.00
Blasted: An Ink and Drink Comics Science Fiction Anthology $11.99
Blind to Blue and Other Things: A Stack of Poetry Comics by Paul K. Tunis $10.00
The Emily Dickinson Reader: An English-to-English Translation of Emily Dickinson’s Complete Poems by Paul Legault (McSweeneys) $17.00
Thirteen Girls by Mikita Brottman $13.00
Pyg: The Memoirs of Toby the Learned Pig by Russell Potter $15.00
Xanthous Mermaid Mechanics by Brion Poloncic $15.00
Books by Eckhard Gerdes: Including Hugh Moore, The Sylvia Plath Cookbook: A Satire, Three Psychedelic Novels
Mayhem, Miscreants, Memoirs & Misc
Ascent of the A-Word: Assholism, the First Sixty Years by Geoffrey Nunberg $25.99 – Considering how much the word asshole does for us, and to us, it hasn’t gotten nearly the attention it deserves –– at least until now.
The Lords of 2112: The Poignantly Vulgar & Vulgarly Poignant Chronicle of America’s Future by Daniel Marion Mitchell Jr. $14.23 – Everything is weird about this book. Even the price.
More Baths Less Talking: Notes from the Reading Life of a Celebrated Author Locked in Battle with Football Family and Time Itself by Nick Hornby $14.00 – More Beleiver columns from this High Fidelity author.
Lickin the Beaters 2 Vegan Chocolate and Candy by Siue Moffat, Celso and Missy Kulik (PM Press) $17.95
You Cant Make This Stuff Up: Complete Guide to Writing Creative Nonfiction from Memoir to Literary Journalism and Everything in Between by Lee Gutkind $16.00
Politics & Revolution
Letters to a Young Activist by Todd Gitlin $14.99
Maximumrocknroll #351 Aug 12 $4.00
Decibel #95 Sep 12 $4.95
Adbusters Sep Oct 12 #103 vol 20 #5 $8.95
various issues of Uppercase: A Magazine For the Creative and Curious
Dwell Sep 12 $5.99
Wallpaper Aug 12 $10.00
Skunk vol 8 #1 $5.99
Ghetto Blaster #32 $3.95
Makeshift #3 Sum 12 Journal of Hidden Creativity $10.00
In These Times Aug 12 $3.50