The Girl Who Was Mostly Attracted to Ghosts by Corinne Mucha $5.00 – Samantha just can’t seem to stop dating ghosts. A fictional story about the hazards of a haunted romantic life. Translucent vellum overlay, hand painted cardstock cover.
Unbuilt Skyscrapers by Anne Elizabeth Moore $5.00
Well Never Have Paris vol 10 2013 X $4.00
Freewheelin Andy Hood #2 Sum 13 by Andy Hood $4.00
No Millers #1 $3.00
Different Thoughts Different People by Ant Oine $3.50
Put a Egg On It #7 Sum 13 $7.00
Shameless Spr Sum 13 $6.95
Two Skunks For Valentines Day: A Trip to Awesome Fest Six by Mike Faloon $2.00
Comics & Comix
Mid Nite Tongue by White Swallows (Star Gods Press) $8.00
Sammiches #1 by Daniel Giantomaso (Star Gods Press) $30.00
Sequential Vacation #2 $6.00
Stripburger #61 $8.00
Tiger Beat Exclusive Jun 13 by Gina Wynbrandt $5.00
Bitter Sweet #1 by Krystal DiFronzo $5.00
Raw Power #2 Giant Size Retrofit Iamwar Special Jun 13 by Josh Bayer $6.00
MS Kingdom by Gabriel Corbera $3.00
Making Tide and Other Stories by Eroyn Franklin $4.00
Rena Rouge vol 37 color edition $10.00
Gone Anthology by Ryan Burns $10.00
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
Brandon Graham: Walrus: Brandon Graham’s All Bum Album (Picturebox) $19.95 – Art book from the artist of King City.
The Daniel Clowes Reader/Critical Edition of Ghost World and Other Stories (Fantagraphics) $35.00 – with Essays Interviews and Annotations.
No Straight Lines: Four Decades of Queer Comics ed. by Justin Hall (Fantagraphics) $35.00 – Now in soft cover.
In the Sounds and Seas Book vol 1 by Marnie Galloway $12.95
Goddamn This War by Tardi and Jean Pierre Verney (Fantagraphics) $24.99
TEOTFW (The End Of The Fucking World) by Charles Forsman (Fantagraphics) $19.99 – Now collected in one book!
Black Orchid TPB by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean $16.99 – Back in print and back in stock.
Strange World of Your Dreams: Comics Meet Dali and Freud ed. by Craig Yoe $29.99
Adventures of Dr. McNinja Omnibus vol 1 by Christopher Hastings et al. $24.99
Beirut 1990:Snapshots of a Civil War by Sylvain Ricard et al. (Humanoids) $29.95
Adventure Time Encyclopaedia $19.95
Art & Design
The Gay 90s by Mark Ryden $39.95
Lust for the Devil: The Erotic Satanic Art of Felicien Rops $24.95
Animation Sketchbooks by Laura Heit $50.00
Mayhem, Miscreants, Memoirs, Music & Misc
Diableries: A Trip To the Underworld 19th Century Images of Satan and Hell ed. by Candice Black (Sun Vision Press) $22.95
Signifying Rappers: Rap and Race in the Urban Present by David Foster Wallace and Mark Costello $16.00 – DFW and Mark Costello were roommates in Cambridge Boston years before DFW’s passing. This book is back in print, exploring the authors’ “distinctively white enthusiasm for a certain music called rap/hip-hop.” Gee, how um, quaint. Or something.
Politics & Revolution
Titles published by Little Black Cart: Defacing the Currancy: Selected Writings 1992-2012 by Bob Black $12.00 – Bob Black’s first book in sixteen years. 350+ pages. Anarchist International $7.00 – Self-titled, from this anarchist collective. Occupy Everything: Anarchists In the Occupy Movement 2009-2011 $15.00
Anti-Capitalism: A Beginner’s Guide by Simon Torney (One World Classics) $14.95 – The puncture of the great banking bubble has breathed new life into protest movements and brought anti-capitalist values to the forefront. But what does it mean to be anti-capitalist? Tormey introduces us to all the eclectic groups — anarchists, Marxists, autonomists, environmentalists — and thought that make up the anti-capitalist movement. Global and historical context includes the 1994 Zapatista insurrection through the 1999 Seattle protests right up to Occupy Wall Street, the Indignados of Spain and the current Greek uprisings.
How To Swim by Heather Momyer $12.00
Sex, Sexy
Not Your Mothers Meatloaf: A Sex Education Comic Book, ed. by Saiya Miller and Liza Bley (Soft Skull) $15.95 – Comics from a varied group of artists, challening hetero and gender normative practices in sex education. Addresses topics like body image, safer sex, consent, and relationships, from positions that have historically been left out of sex education.
Subliminally Exposed by Steven Dayan MD $14.95
In My Bed Magazine vol 4 #1 $9.95
Handbook vol 7 #3 2013 $6.00
Gender Identity
GLQ vol 19 #3 Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies $12.00
OP Original Plumbing #11 Trans Male Quarterly $9.00
Gay and Lesbian Review Worldwide Jul Aug 13 $4.95
Transformation #85 $12.50
Bust Aug Sep 13 $5.99
2600 Hacker Quarterly vol 30 #2 $6.95
Skeptical Inquirer Jul Aug 13 vol 37 #4 $4.95
Make vol 35 $14.99
Skeptic vol 18 #2 $6.95
Treating Yourself #41 $7.99
Cannabis Now Magazine #7 $7.99
Mass Appeal #52 $9.99
The Witches Almanac #33 Spr 14 to Spr 15 $12.95
Gup #37 $14.99
Design Bureau Jul 13 $8.00
Dwell Prefab Sourcebook Special Sum 13 $12.99
IdN vol 20 #2 $19.95
Girls Like Us vol 2 #4 $12.00
Makeshift #6 Sum 13 Journal of Hidden Creativity $10.00
True Crime Special Sum 13 20 All True Murder Stories $6.99
Survivalist #11 $7.95
Laphams Quarterly vol 6 #3 Sum 13 $16.00
Fangoria #325 $9.99
Horror Hound #42 Jul Aug 13 $6.99
Ink Fashion Jul 13 $8.99
Under the Radar #46 $5.99
Shindig #33 $12.99
Ghetto Blaster #35 $3.95
Maximumrocknroll #362 Jul 13 $4.00
Dissent Sum 13 $10.00
Harpers Magazine Aug 13 $6.99
Radical Philosophy #180 $13.00
Against the Current #165 Jul Aug 13 $5.00
In These Times Aug 13 $3.50
Tabu Tattoo #53 $6.99
CCI vol 9 Central City Ink Magazine Special Lmited Edition $4.95
Poetry, Lit Mags, Lit Journals, Chap Books
The Paris Review #205 $15.00
Willow Springs #72 $10.00
Jubilat #23 $8.00
Knock #16 $10.00
Granta #124 Sum 13 Travel $16.99
Bomb #124 Sum 13 $7.95
Brittle Cambria by Ripley Bill $9.00
That Bird Your Heart by Tasha Cotter $14.00
Cool down from Pitchfork with our AIR CONDITIONING. We have so much new stuff this week it’s bananas.