Quimby’s Podcast Episode #7 With Authors Adam Levin & Tim Kinsella is now available for your listening pleasure. Adam you might know from his books Hot Pink and The Instructions Tim you might know from his book The Karaoke Singer’s Guide to Self-Defense, or because he’s in bands like Joan of Arc and Cap’n Jazz (among others). Adam and Tim did an event here. Then we conned them into talking to us about their work and each other, while trapped in the mysterious Quimby’s basement. You can listen to the podcast in a variety of places like finding it on I-Tunes, or download it or even stream it, with links at the the Quimby’s podbean site here.
Tag Archive for 'podcast'
Editor Ryan Standfest discusses BLACK EYE 1: Graphic Transmissions to Cause Ocular Hypertension, an anthology that collects original narrative comics, art and essays by 41 international artists and writers, all focused on the expression of black, dark or absurdist humor. (And yes, we carry it at Quimby’s.) Ryan was here this past June 24th, to celebrate the Chicago release with some of the local artists included in the anthology.
With comics and art by Stéphane Blanquet, Ivan Brunetti, Lilli Carré, Max Clotfelter, Al Columbia, Ludovic Debeurme, Olivier Deprez, Nikki DeSautelle, Brecht Evens, Andy Gabrysiak, Robert Goodin, Dav Guedin, Gnot Guedin, Glenn Head, Danny Hellman, Paul Hornschemeier, Ian Huebert, Kaz, Michael Kupperman, Mats!?, Fanny Michaëlis, James Moore, Tom Neely, Mark Newgarden, Paul Nudd, Onsmith, Emelie Östergren, Paul Paetzel, David Paleo, Martin Rowson, Olivier Schrauwen, Stephen Schudlich, Robert Sikoryak, Ryan Standfest, Brecht Vandenbroucke, Wouter Vanhaelemeesch and Jon Vermilyea. Original essays by Jeet Heer (on S. Clay Wilson), Bob Levin (on “The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist”), Ken Parille (on Steve Ditko) and Ryan Standfest (on Al Feldstein and EC). Also includes the text “100 Good Reasons to Kill Myself Right Now,” by Roland Topor, translated into English for the first time by Edward Gauvin. You can find us on podbean or on I-Tunes (just do a search for Quimby’s Bookstore. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast at either of those places. And yes! Subscription to the podcast is FREE.
It’s true. We have for you this week’s top 10 but also, the first episode of the Quimby’s podcast that you can download from podbean.com. Eventually it will be on I-Tunes; we’re in the application stage where they listen to it and then (hopefully) approve it. So for now, you can listen to it at podbean and/or download it in some form to listen to it on some device or machine. The first episode features an interview with Margaret Hicks who wrote Chicago Comedy: A Fairly Serious History. We think you will agree that she was extremely charming, if we don’t say so ourselves.
In other news, you will see that two artists featured in the first volume of the comics anthology Black Eye have made the top 10 bestsellers this week with their books, both Paul Hornschemeier and Lilli Carré. They will be here to celebrate the release of Black Eye on 6/24 with other contributors Ivan Brunetti, Paul Nudd and Onsmith.
Top 10 This Week
1. Life With Mr Dangerous by Paul Hornschemeier (Villard) $22.00 – Life with Mr.Dangerous is a study of modern emotional understanding as tethered to pop culture fandom. Amy Breis, the book’s protagonist, does an awkward job of navigating a life full of seeming dead ends. Her response to reality is constantly informed by her love of a television show, and the show acts as a filter to make the mundane situations more dramatic and interesting.
2. Roctober #49 $4.00
3. Haymarket 1886-2011 by AREA Chicago $5.00 – As part of the 125th commemoration/reenactment of the Haymarket Riots, AREA Chicago has put out Haymarket 1886-2011 a look at the broad and still resonating impact of Haymarket today. Smartly laid out and broad in scope with contributions from: Penelope Rosemont, David Roediger, Alma Washington, the history of Haymarket walking tours, Euan Hague, Paul Buhle, Peter Chanthasena and Anh Nguyen, the Haymarket Historic Landmark District, Paul Durica, the South Chicago ABC Zine Distro, reflections on Haymarket from the shadow of September 11, Holly Nelson, May Day, the Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company, Josefa Mellor and Nick Naber, 134 years of social struggle in Pilsen, Teko Sãso, Anthony Rayson, Josh Otte and Jordon Olson, Jerry Mead-Lucero, Sam Mitrani, alternative Haymarket monument proposals, Samuel Barnett, Lucy Parsons, teaching and learning about Haymarket, Bucky Halker and Nicolas Lampert.
4. Animal Sex – You Might Not Want To Know by Isabella Rotman $3.00 – This mini is so good! It’s a sly and pervy funny-as-shit guide to kinky sex in the animal kingdom. From ungodly long schlongs of Argentine lake ducks to pheromone-fueled Garter Snake fuckballs, Rotman’s bestiary culls the cream of the crop from what sounds like some pretty extensive -uh- “internet research”. -EF
5. Little Otsu Living Things vol 4 Lilli Carre (Little Otsu) $6.95
6. East Village Inky #47 $3.00 – Ayun gives us a Mermaid Parade 101 and plenty of scrapper parent scene reportage. Topped with tales of a sourdough starter (you know how New Yorkers like to brag about how cultured they are). -EF
7. Root Rot by Anne Koyama and Michael DeForge, eds. (Koyama Press) $12.00 – Koyama calls the 5-second rule on everything that falls to the forest floor. Root Rot’s an impressive comics-centric Nobrow-like look book of stunners. Moldy mushrooms and tossed moss from t edward bak, JFISH, Mickey Zacchilli, Bob Flynn, Lizz Hickey, Dan Zettwoch, Chris Eliopoulos, Joseph Lambert, Jon Vermilyea, Derek M Ballard, Angie Wang, Greg Pizzoli, Hellen Jo and Ines Estrada with special show-stoppin’ contributions from Robin Nishio and Jesse Jacobs. Let’s go camping, yes? -EF
8. Maximumrocknroll #337 Jun 11 $4.00
9. Boys Club #4 by Matt Furie (Pigeon Press) $6.00 – More boners, more pizza, more roommates, more stoney-baloney plus also some barfing. I’m not going to tell you twice: zit’s awesome. -EF
10. Burn Collector #15 by Al Burian $3.00 – Al Burian takes on his new home town, Berlin with a little help from a Chicago All-Star team of Anne Elizabeth “Unmarketable” Moore and Liam “Secret Beach” Warfield.