Donate Your Zine For a Good Cause


The Fargo-Moorhead Zine Fest is looking for donations of zines for an upcoming “” event that will coincide with a 24 hour zine-athon.  The zine scene in Fargo-Moorhead is currently very small, so has been holding events prior to the zine fest to increase awareness of and interest in zines.

Here’s what they have in mind:

Fargo-Moorhead Zine Fest is happening on September 7th, 2013 in Fargo, ND. About a month before the fest, in early August, FMZF Auxiliary Programs will be hosting a 24 hour zine-athon.  To create additional community around this event, there will be a Free Zine Day give away, if they can get some zines donated. That’s where you come in. If you can spare even just one or two copies of your zine to help support the (currently tiny) F-M zine community, please do!  Donations of kid-friendly zines are especially appreciated!

The goal is for FMZF to be a diverse event, meaning: people of many different races, ethnicities, cultures, religions, genders, sexuality, and classes have knowledge of the event, feel comfortable attending FMZF, and have an opportunity to make a zine prior to and/or during the event so that each person feels zines are accessible to them.  To this end, FMZF Auxiliary Programs has been hosting many community building events leading up to FMZF.

Send your stuff with your contact info to:

Free Zine Day, PO Box 374, Moorhead MN 56561

Note: Do NOT send or bring it to Quimby’s.

More info:
contact: fargomoorheadzinefest(at)gmail(dot)com

All donors will be listed as supporters at the zine fest, and listed in the fest’s upcoming blog posts.  FMZF thanks you.