We got kicked out of church! Lawsuit? Seeing is believin.
This auction is for this abomination of a towel. This towel ruined our lives and got us kicked out of our church that we had been members of all of our lives. I was going to throw it in the trash, but a “heathen” friend of mine said I should at least try to make something good out of this bad situation.
Here is the story behind the towel, and since other people were involved I will not divulge names, but names really are unimportant.
As I stated we were part of our church for all of our lives, and we often would host dinner gatherings for various members in the church. At Christmas time last year we had our Priest, Church Elders, and numerous church friends over for a large dinner gathering. Our house has 3 bathrooms, two of which are on the main floor. One is the children’s and the other is for guests. The evening had just begun, we were enjoying appetizers, wine, and lovely conversation. A friends daughter, 6 years old, needed the restroom at the same time the main one was being used. I directed her to the children’s restroom. Not but a few moments after she entered the restroom did she come out screaming and crying. She of course ran to her mother who tried to calm her down and comfort her, she finally was able to tell her mother that Strawberry Shortcake (who happened to be her favorite) was holding a penis. Our Priest was the first one in the restroom to see what she was talking about, and low and behold my daughters Strawberry Shortcake Towel was folded on the towel rack in such a fashion that it does indeed look as though Strawberry Shortcake is being very naughty. Our Priest was furious, and the othe guests followed his action of leaving right behind my friend and her distraut daughter before the main course was even served. My friends daughter is traumatized to this day and they have her seeing a Psychiatrist. She got rid of all her Strawberry Shortcake things (which was most of her room and clothes), and needless to say they do not speak to us. We were shunned from the church and it was passed along that we were not welcome and should find another church to attend. The towel is in excellent condition with no rips or stains to be noted.
Help us get rid of this by sending it to as many people as possible.