We skipped a week of posting new stuff since the 2010 Chicago Zine Fest was last week. (Sorry we missed you! If we’d known you were coming we would have cleaned up the apartment a little!) But so anyway! Lots of cool zinesters in town consigned stuff with us, so the list is extra long because of that too.
Jim Goad was here! His wife is on the right. And the guy in middle is Some Guy.
Paranoia The Conspiracy Reader vol 1 $14.00
Believer #70 Mar Apr 10 Film Issue $10.00
Harpers Magazine Apr 10 $6.95
Juxtapoz #111 Apr 10 $5.99
Return to Sender/Harpermorray by Morray Brenton Harper $2.00
First Line vol 12 #1 Spr 10 $3.00
Six By Six #20 Big Ships Straddle the Horizon $5.00
Wallpaper Apr 10 $9.50
Wire Mar 10 #313 $11.99
Boys vol 6 The Self Preservation Society by Garth Ennis and var (Dynamite) $19.99
Dubble Feecher Helluva Nite Goo Goo Muck by Lale Westvind $2.00
17 Indian Books #1 by Oscar Arriola $4.00
Permanent Vacation 1 by Viking and Morgan $6.00
10000 Tons of Black Ink Best of 2009 Edition $5.00
Flaneur an Illustrated Journal of Independent Global Culture $4.00
The Match #108 $3.00
No 6.’s Information $4.50
Ghetto Ps Big Butt Magazine $6.00
Divides Guide To Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a Presentation For Modern Reader by Joe Gioia $13.95
Tape Op #76 $4.95
Sober Living for the Revolution Hardcore Punk Straight Edge and Radical Politics by Gabriel Kuhn (PM Press) $22.95
Arrested (Arrestproof Yourself): What to Do When Your Loved Ones in Jail by Wes Denham (Chicago Review Press) $16.95
Darkness: Two Decades of Modern Horror, ed. by Ellen Datlow (Tachyon) $15.95
Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals: The Evil Monkey Dialogues by Ann/Jeff Vandermeer and Duff Goldman (Tachyon) $11.95
Type vol 2: A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles 1901-1938 by var. (Taschen) $59.99
Hot Stuff Disco and the Remaking of American Culture by Alice Echols (W.W. Norton) $26.95
Penny Century by Jaime Hernandez (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Sand and Fury: A Scream Queen Adventure by Ho CHe Anderson (Fantagraphics) $16.99
Hungry As Always $1.00
1 800 MICE #4 $4.00
shortandqueer #14 The Best Thing That Happened Today Was 2009 by Kelly Shortandqueer $3.00
shortandqueer #13 A Musical Autobiography by Kelly shortandqueer $2.00
Duplex Planet zine #186 $2.00
Artist Music Journal vol 1 #7 A Curated Series From Soundscreen(featuring Post Typography and var.) $16.99
Van Goghs Ear vol 7 The Supernatural Edition by F. Picano $19.00
Overtime Hour 12 This is How We Do Things at The Post Office by P. Cook $2.00
Up the Logic Punks #2 Fall 08 Logic Punks About Zines Punks and Anarchists by Ciara Xyerra $2.00
Love Letters to Monsters #2 by Ciara Xyerra $2.00
Debris vol 2 DVD Video Escombros $12.00
Me Myself and My Third Eye DVD Four Enlightened Stories for One Important God by Alan Cooley $12.00
Wild Things by Dave Ehhers (Vintage) $14.95 – Now in soft cover.We still have a few left of the hardcover, so get ’em before they go away!
Original Road Kill Cookbook by BR Buck Peterson (Ten Speed) $7.95
Man Eating Bugs The Art and Science of Eating Insects by Peter Menzel and var. (Ten Speed) $19.99
Invitation to Destroy DVD: The Slipping Glimpser and Other Momentary Projects by Conrad Freiburg $20.00
Smokestacks and Spires #1 Now Let Me Tell You Something by Jake Snider and Megan Stanton $3.00
Fast Food Sandwich Shop Zines by Dan Copulsky $.50
Concisely Magazine of Short Prose #2 by Daniel Copulsky $3.00
Little Brother #1 $4.00
Squid Pro Quo by Jason $2.00
Sleeps With Ghosts #0 and #1 by Sarala B $3.00 each
Beautiful Mess #1: Read Your Own Risk and Beautiful Mess #2 $3.00 each
Zeniths Integrate Nouveau Effervescences: A DIY resource and How to Guide $1.00
For Lack of Better Words: A Collection of Letters by Sarala B. $2.00
Buildings & Bodies by Ryan Dodgson $10.00
Fury #18 by Mark Novotny $4.00
Culture Slut #20 by Amber Forrester $2.00
Motor City Kitty #13 and #14 by Z. Bri $1.00
Soup #1 through #7 A Day in the Life Daily Comic Zine by Brian Steinberg $3.00 each
Femme a Barbe vol 1 by Jenna Bri $2.00
Sassyfrass Circus #4 by Jenna Bri $1.00
Blink and the World Goes Blank by Filbert Conroy $4.99
Kilter #7 Spr 10 $5.00
Abortion is a Woman’s Right by Pat Grogan and Evelyn Reed (Pathfinder) $6.00
Tales From San Papel $10.00
Odyssey: A Migratory Story $2.00
Lightningbug Zine #10 by Kristin Munro $.25
Great White Honky Visits South Korea vol 1 by Nate Beaty $2.00
The Current #2 Fall 09 $5.00
Against the Current #145 $5.00 – Um! They’s just jealous.
The Progressive Mar 10 $3.95
FEDS Presetns: Sweets Magazine vol 3 #12 $5.99
Tattoo Revue #146 $6.99
Transworls Skateboarding Apr 10 $3.99
Rebel Ink Magazine Apr May 10 $5.99
Treating Yourself #21 $7.99
Jubilat #17 $8.00
True Detective vol 2 #20 $4.49
Under the Radar #30 $4.99
Pank #4 $12.00
Radical Philosophy #160 $13.00
Filter #39 Win 10 $5.95
Gothic Beauty #30 $5.95
Earth Island Journal Spr 10 vol 25 #1 $5.00
Boho #7 $5.99
ASR #53 Win 10 Anarcho Syndicalist Review $5.00
Horror Hound #22 Mar Apr 10 $6.99
Extra vol 23 #3 Mar 10 $3.95
Alarm #37 $18.00
Grafik #182 $19.99
Irrationalist by Suzanne Buffam (Canariam Books) $14.00
New Romancer #1 Illustrated Demo Copy by A. Rees and var. $3.00
High Times May 10 $5.99
Signal to Noise #57 Spr 10 $4.95
Color Skateboards vol 8 #1 $7.99
Irredeemable vol 1 TPB by Mark Waid and Peter Krause (Boom) $9.99
Greek Street vol 1 Blood Calls For Blood TPB by Peter Milligan (Vertigo) $9.99
Zig and Wikki in Something Ate My Homework by Nadja Spiegelman and Trade Loeffler (Toon Books) $12.95
Our Sentence is Up Seeing Grant Morrison’s Invisibles Sequart Journal #5 by Patrick Meaney and var. (Sequart) $26.95
King of Flies 1 Hallorave by Mezzo and Pirus (Fantagraphics) $18.99
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter HC by Seth Grahame-Smith (Grand Central) $21.99
Hellboy vol 9 Wild Hunt by Mike Mignola and var. (Dark Horse) $19.99
Cabinet #36 Friendship $12.00
Best Friends by Marian Runk $10.00
Definitive Prince Valiant Companion HC by Hal Foster and var. (Fantagraphics) $39.99
Spaz #2 Stories by Emi Gennis $2.00
Tintin and Snowy Album 1 by Guy Harvey and var. (Last Gasp) $9.99
Art of Herge vol 2 Inventor of Tintin 1937 to 1949 by Philippe Goddin (Last Gasp) $39.99
All City Writers (Kitchen93) $68.00 – Fancy street art book.
New York City Black Book Masters (From Here to Fame) $14.95
Giant Robot #64 $4.99
House of Tomorrow by Peter Bognanni $24.95
REPRINT! Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs by the Icarus Project and The Freedom Center $3.00
Primitive Toothcare A DIY Guide to Uncivilized Oral Hygiene by Rowan Gangulfr $2.50
BTFA #2 CSHA (Crusing Notes) $5.00
RFD #141 $7.75
East Village Inky #43 by Ayun Halliday $3.00
Tom Neely comics and books at various prices: Blot, Your Disease Spread Quick a Comic Book Inspired by the Music of the Melvins, Brilliantly Ham Fisted 23 Comic Strip Poems
Papercutter #12 $4.00
Postsingular by Rudy Rucker (Tor) $15.95
Family Properties: How the Struggle Over Race and Real Estate Transformed Chicago by Beryl Satter (Holt) $18.00 – Now in soft cover.
Crush by Michael Gallinari and John Cutrone Lee $3.00
Under Red Sky #2 by Michael Gallinari and John Cutrone Lee $3.00
Literary Review vol 53 #2 $8.00
Overview of Blissiopia from Cityscape Mountain Cloud/View Scape by Edwin R Perry $2.00
Bushwick Review #1 by Kristen Felicetti $5.00
Zapatistas: Rebellion From the Grassroots to the Global by Alex Khasnabish (Fernwood) $26.95
Go Down Together: The True Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde by Jeff Guinn $16.99
Ripped: Tshirts From the Underground by var. (Universe) $30.00
Big Machine by Victor Lavalle (Spiegel) $15.00
The Bear That Wasn’t by Frank Tashlin (New York Review) $15.95
Butt #28 Fantastic Magazine for Homosexuals $9.90
Complete Ouija Interviews by Sarah Becan $10.00
Shuteye #5 Castling by Sarah Becan $4.00
Miscellaneous Comics by Catherine Peach and var. $2.00
Catgirls vol 1 and vol 2 by Catherine Peach $1.50
I Was an Open Paper by Melanie Cook $3.50
Fulcrum by Melanie Cook $2.50
KerBloom #82 Jan Feb 10 $2.00