Butch Nor Femme #5 $1.50 – BNF#5 is a result of Quimby’s first 24-hour zine challenge and it reads a little like an appendix/companion piece to some of Lynne’s previous writing – a Disney World scene report (see BNF#4/Curioddity #2 split), some wedding reflections (riffing on “with an e”), and looking at how 2011 felt in regards to zines, projects and sexuality. Piscean footnotes that hold their own.-EF
Besieged: A Dedication to Palestine by Students for Justice in Palestine $7.00
Angry Violist #4 Adventures in Alternative String Playing $2.00
Serial Killers Unite #9 $2.00
Number 7 #1.1-1.3 by Meredith Carey et al. $1.00 each
You Only Live Twice #1 by K.E. Bleier $2.00
Flying Into The Chandelier $2.00
Manor House Quarterly Fall 11 #2 1877 $10.00
Ugly #1 Jan 12 a Collection of Drawings and Ideas by Matt Soria $2.00
Comics & Comix
Gangsta Rap Posse #2 by by Benjamin Marra $3.00 – You are now about to witness the strength of street knowledge.
Night Business #4 by Benjamin Marra $3.00 – Gritty city vigilante shit, up to your knees in the eel tank. -EF
Elsewhere $5.00 – Comes with CD
Joking Victim #0 They Never Knew What Hit ‘Em by Matt Wyatt $5.00
Graphic Novels & Trade Paperbacks
ADD Adolescent Demo Division by Douglas Rushkoff et al. (Vertigo) $24.99
Sweet Tooth TPB vol 4 Endangered Species by Jeff Lemire et al. (Vertigo) $16.99
Art & Design Books
Ron English’s Stickable Art Offenses by Ron English (Last Gasp) $24.95
The Flame Alphabet by Ben Marcus $25.95
The Catastrophone Orchestra (Combustion) $8.00 – Scrappy steampunk adventures.
Autobiography of Jenny X Mischief and Mayhem by Lisa Dierbeck (OR) $16.00
The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto $15.95 – Now in soft cover.
Mayhem, Miscreants, Memoirs & Misc
The Marx Brothers Encyclopedia by Glenn Mitchell $19.95
Autonauts of the Cosmoroute: The Timeless Voyage from Paris to Marseilles by Julio Cortazar et al. (Archipelag) $20.00
Music Books
Building a Better Robot: 10 Years of the Mr Roboto Project by Mulkerin et al. $20.00 – Comes with DVD.
Politics & Revolution
The Femicide Machine (Semiotexte intervention ) by Sergio Gonzalez Rodriguez (Semiotexte) $12.95 – “In Ciudad Juárez, a territorial power normalized barbarism. This anomolous ecology mutated into a femicide machine: an apparatus that didn’t just create the conditions for the murders of dozens of women and little girls, but developed the institutions that guaranteed impunity for those crimes and even legalized them. A lawless city sponsored by a state in crisis. The facts speak for themselves.” This title is Semiotext(e) Intervention Series #11.
Against Equality: Dont Ask to Fight Their Wars by Ryan Conrad $10.00 – “The second “Against Equality” anthology gathers together pieces by contemporary radical voices critical of the mainstream gay community’s uncritical approach to Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. It features an introduction by the inimitable Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore and essays by writers of our digital archives on LGBT investments in militarism. This archival anthology asks why the historically left/ radical anti-war critique of war does not extend to DADT and the issue of queers in the military.
Undressing the Academy (Or the Student Handjob) by The University for Strategic Optimism (Minor Compositions/Autonomedia) $8.00
Practicing Feminist Mothering by Fiona Joy Green (Arbeiter Ring) $21.95
Time and the Suburbs: The Politics of Built Environments and the Future of Dissent by Rohan Quinby (Arbeiter Ring) $19.95
This Time We Went Too Far by Norman G. Finkelstein (OR) $15.00
Who Killed Che: How the CIA Got Away With Murder by Michael Ratner et al. (OR) $16.00
Lit Journals, Chap Books & Poetry
Gethsemane an Epic Poem About Us by R. Douglas Jacobs $19.95
Fortean Times #284 Mar 12 $11.99
Tape Op #87 Jan Feb 12 $4.95
Color Skateboards vol 9 #6 Special Culture Edition $7.99
Creative Review Jan 12 $14.99
Childrens Books
My Silly Monkeys by Michelle Marchand et al. $7.00
Other Stuff
Jello Biafra Bobble Head $19.95 – Yes, for real.