New Stuff This Week

Isn’t our new window display awesome?

Zines & Zine-Related Books

No Apocalypse: Punk, Politics & The Great American Weirdness by Al Burian (Microcosm) $14.95 – Former Quimby’s employee and Burn Collector zinester’s collected work from 2000-2007 from columns he wrote for pubs like Punk Planet, Heartattack, and the Skeleton.

We The Drowned by Jonas $3

Shit Men Have Said To Me by Leah Short $3

Punk Called Rock by James Hippie $3

Pen Dive #1 & #2 by Lou Barrett $10 each

True Trans Bike Rebel (Taking the Lane #15) by Lydia Rogue with Elly Blue (Microcosm) $9.95

Thread #16 by Rachel Lee Carman $5

Mute Mutants Work by Matt Goldberg $12

Midwestern Upbringing Sum 2018 $4

Shut Up Bro by Hannah Chavez $5

Comics & Minis

Slow Leak #2 by Johnny Sampson $10

Your Friends Hate You So Much by Neil Brideau $8

Springs Swollen Fog by Kaitlin Kostus $2

Ambiguous Grunt #1 $3

Drift by Penina Gal $10

Three Stories Short Comics by Ashley Robin Frankln $5

Love Hurts by Ian Mackay $8

Hex Cymatics No Man #13 $15

Worms With Eyes and a Mouth #2 $6

Graphic Novels

Hi Jax & Hi Jinx: Life’s a Pitch – and Then You Live Forever by Dame Darcy (Feral House) $24.95

Cyanide Milkshake Collected by Liz Suburbia $19.95

Now vol 5 (Fantagraphics) $9.99

Memorabilia by Sergio Ponchione (Fantagraphics) $16.99

Now Is the Time of Monsters: A Graphic Discourse on Predatory Capitalsim (World War 3 Illustrated #49) $12 – This issue edited by Sue Simensky Bietila.

New Stuff From Peow Press: Mami by Diigii Daguna, Internal Affairs Tactical Stealth Internship by Patrick Crotty, Heat by Jean Wei, various prices

Welcome To Myself by Brad Rohloff $20

Parallel Lives by O. Schrauwen (Fantagraphics) $24.99

Politics & Revolution Books

Premonitions: Selected Essays on the Culture of Revolt by AK Thompson (AK Press) $20

Outer Limits

The Penguin Book of Hell by Scott G. Bruce $17 – What better way to send a gift with a message?

Cults That Kill: Shocking True Stories of Horror from Psychopathic Leaders, Doomsday Prophets, and Brainwashed Followers to Human Sacrifices, Mass Suicides and Grisly Murders by Wendy Joan Biddlecombe $15.95

Everything Dies! A Coloring Book About Life! by Bri Barton $20

Film Books

The Earth Dies Streaming: Film Writing 2002-2018 by A.S. Hamrah (n+1 Books) $20 – Collects the best of Hamrah’s film writing for n+1, The Baffler, Bookforum, Harpers, and other publications. Acerbic & hilarious.


Improv Nation: How We Made a Great American Art by Sam Wasson $15.99


Portland Stair Walks: Explore Portland, Oregon’s Public Stairways by Laura O. Foster (Microcosm) $16.95


Brewing Kane by Virgil Daniels $15

Hollow by Owen Egerton $16.95


Paper Magazine Win 2018 $10

Soft Magazine #4 $18

Lit Journals, Chap Books & Poetry

Berlin Quarterly #8 European Review of Culture $20

What Should I Be Doing With My Hands by Andrew Hertzberg $5

Epicurean Ecstasy: More Poems About Food – Drink, Herbs and Spices by Cynthia Gallaher $16

Overtime 50: Orwell’s Year by Paul Perilli $2