The Best American Comics Series is collecting submissions for their 2011 volume. Best American Comics is an annual comics anthology featuring short stories and excerpts of graphic novels by North American comics artists. The series is edited by comics artists, Jessica Abel and Matt Madden, and features a different guest editor each year. Past guest editors include Lynda Barry (One Hundred Demons), Chris Ware (Jimmy Corrigan), Harvey Pekar (American Splendor), and Charles Burns (Black Hole)
They want you to submit your comics! If you make minicomics, you should definitely send your comics in, and represent selfpublishers. The work must be published between September 1, 2009 and August 31, 2010, and needs to be submitted by September 7, 2010. Work published after August 31 can be submitted for the 2012 volume
For a full explaination plus the address to which you need to mail your amazing comics, check out