$100, a T-Shirt and a Panel Discussion at Loyola!


Hey everyone, if you’re free Thursday night you should come up to Rogers Park here in Chicago and check this. It should be fun and interesting, and it’s totally free.

$100, a T-Shirt, and a Panel Discussion

Joe Biel of Microcosm Publishing and Boxcar Books will be showing his documentary film on , “$100 and a T-Shirt.” The film is a cultural analysis of what causes zine makers to tick; what the hell are, why people make , the origin of , the resources and community available for zine makers, and the future of . It features interviews with about 70 zine makers, ex-zine makers, and readers from the northwest.

Following the film will be a panel discussion on zines featuring Liz Mason (Caboose Zine), Billy Roberts (Loop Distro & Proof I Exist), Kelsey Snell (The Machine Media), Al Burian (Burn Collector), Alicia Dorr (Random Life In Progress), and Aaron Cynic (Fall of Autumn/Diatribe Zine).

Thursday, April 12, 7 pm at Galvin auditorium in Sullivan Center on the campus of Loyola University (6339 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL, 60626 — note that we’re posting this on our blog but it’s NOT at Quimby’s.)

This is event is completely free!