Aug ’07 |
16 |
7:00 pm |
Lawrence Santoro at Quimby’s!
Thursday Aug 16th 7PM
This will be a reading/signing of the book, “Just North of Nowhere.” Set in Bluffton, a small town in the drift less area of the upper Midwest the book deals with the idea that land and its history can mark and alter the people who live on it. Readers familiar with Ray Bradbury’s “Dandelion Wine” or Manly Wade Wellman’s Silver John tales will recognize Bluffton and “Just North…” as a spiritual descendant.
A two-time finalist for the Bram Stoker Award of the Horror Writers Association, Lawrence Santoro has been writing creepy tales since he was five years old. As associate producer of the syndicated television series, “Hyde & Seeke,” Larry wrote, directed and supervised production during the comedy/mystery show’s first season. In 2001 his novella “God Screamed and Screamed, Then I Ate Him” was Stoker nominated. His audio adaptation and production of Gene Wolfe’s “The Tree Is My Hat,” featuring best-selling author Neil Gaiman, was presented live at the WORLD HORROR CONVENTION in 2002 and garnered him his second nomination. In 2003 Larry’s Stoker-recommended “Catching” received Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow’s 17th Annual “Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror” anthology. His “So Many Tiny Mouths” was cited in the anthology’s 18th edition.
Larry’s first novel, “Just North of Nowhere,” was published by Annihilation Press in 2007. Also in 2007: “At Angels 16,” in A DARK AND DEADLY VALLEY from Silverthought Press, and “Cordwell’s Book” in TALES FROM THE RED LION. Annihilation Press will publish “Little Girl Down the Way,” in HELL IN THE HEARTLAND in late 2007. His novella, “Wind Shadows,” will see print in the Canadian anthology AIM FOR THE HEAD in 2008. Larry lives in Chicago.
More info at