Tag Archive for 'book crawl'

#ChiLoveBooks Challenge: Third Annual Independent Bookstore Day Crawl 4/27

Apr ’19
11:00 am

More than two dozen independent bookstores in the greater Chicago area—from Lake Forest to Beverly, and Naperville to the Loop—are collaborating on a third annual #ChiLoveBooks Challenge, which encourages book lovers to indulge in bookstore tourism by visiting 10 or more stores in a single day. Quimby’s is proud to participate.

The annual challenge is being held again on Independent Bookstore Day (IBD), which is a one-day national party celebrating indie book stores on the last Saturday in April. Each store creates its own unique events—including guest authors, special kids’ story times, readings, contests, giveaways, and special sales.

To begin their trip, readers can pick up a #ChiLoveBooks passport and their first stamp with an initial purchase of $25 or more from the store of their choice. 

Additional bookstore visits throughout the day (no purchase required) enable them to collect an additional stamp at each subsequent bookstore. The payoff comes for visits at the following levels:

  • Visit TEN stores in one day and get 10% off at all bookstores listed below for an ENTIRE YEAR!
  • Visit FIFTEEN stores in one day and get 15% off at all bookstores listed below for an ENTIRE YEAR!  

Also, readers are encouraged to post a snapshot of themselves and their Independent Bookstore Day haul on #ChiLoveBooks.

The #ChiLoveBooks Challenge is being sponsored by the Chicagoland Independent Bookstore Allliance (ChIBA), an association formed in 2016 to raise awareness about the vitality of the area’s indie stores, and the Great Lakes Independent Booksellers Association (GLIBA).

“We are so lucky—Chicago has such a vibrant bookstore scene all year round. But Indie Bookstore Day is my favorite day of the year because of the #ChiLoveBooks Challenge! More than two dozen independent bookstores are participating again this year, and it’s so much fun for Chicago book lovers to zip around town, collecting stamps on their passports and getting cool book-ish swag. It’s such a great day!”—Lynn Mooney, co-owner, Women & Children First, Andersonville

Third Annual Indie Bookstore Crawl,
called the #
ChiLoveBooks Challenge,
on Independent Bookstore Day – Saturday, April 27th, 2019
Map of store locations here.

Facebook Event for the crawl here.

The 28 participating stores are:

Quimby’s Bookstore, 1854 W. North Ave., Chicago 60622 / 773.342.0910 / quimbys.com

57th Street Books, 1301 E. 57th St., Chicago 60637 / 773.684.1300 / semcoop.com

Abraham Lincoln Book Shop, Inc., 824 W. Superior St., Suite 100, Chicago 60642 / 312.944.3085 / alincolnbookshop.com and AuthorsVoice.net

Anderson’s Bookshops / andersonsbookshop.com : Downers Grove  / 5112 Main St., Downers Grove 60515 / 630.963.2665, La Grange / 26 S. La Grange Rd., La Grange 60525 / 708.582.6353, Naperville / 123 W. Jefferson Ave., Naperville 60540 / 630.355.2665

The Book Bin, 151 Church St., Northbrook 60062 / 847.498.4999 / bookbinnorthbrook.com

The Book Cellar, 4736-38 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago 60625 / 773.293.2665 / bookcellarinc.com

The Book Stall, 811 Elm St., Winnetka 60093 / 847.446.8880 / thebookstall.com

The Book Table, 1045 Lake St., Oak Park 60301 / 708.386.9800 / booktable.net

Bookends & Beginnings, 1712 Sherman Ave., Alley #1, Evanston 60201 / 224.999.7722 / bookendsandbeginnings.com

Bookie’s / bookiesbookstores.com : Beverly, Chicago / 10324 S. Western Ave., Chicago 60643 / 773.239.1110, Homewood / 2015 Ridge Road, Homewood 60430 / 708.377.0789

Centuries and Sleuths, 7419 Madison St., Forest Park 60130 / 708.771.7243 / centuriesandsleuths.com

City Lit Books, 2523 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago / 773.235.2523 / citylitbooks.com

The Dial Bookshop, 410 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 210, Chicago 60605 / dialbookshop.com

Lake Forest Book Store, 662 N. Western Ave., Lake Forest 60045 / 847-234-4420 / lakeforestbookstore.com

Open Books / West Loop / 651 W. Lake St., Chicago 60661 / 312.475.1355, x100, Pilsen / 905 W. 19th St., Chicago 60608 / 312.243.9776 / open-books.org/shop/open-books-pilsen

Pilsen Community Books, 1102 W. 18th St, Chicago 60608 / pilsencommunitybooks.org

Powell’s Books Chicago, 1501 E. 57th St., Chicago 60637 / 773.955.7780 / powellschicago.com

Read It & Eat, 2142 N. Halsted St., Chicago 60614 / 773.661.6158 / readitandeatstore.com

RoscoeBooks, 2142 W. Roscoe St., Chicago 60618 / 773.857.2676 / roscoebooks.com

The Rosenberg Bookshop at the Newberry Library, 60 W. Walton St., Chicago 60610 / 312.255.3520 / newberry.org/bookshop

Sandmeyer’s Bookstore, 714 S. Dearborn St., Chicago 60605 / 312.922.2104 / sandmeyersbookstore.com

Seminary Co-op Bookstore, 5751 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago 60637 / 773.752.4381 / semcoop.com

Volumes Bookcafe, 1474 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago 60622 / 773.697.8066 / volumesbooks.com

Wicker Park Secret Agent Supply Co. and 826CHI, 1276 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago 60622 / 773.772.8108 / secretagentsupply.com

Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark St., Chicago 60640 / 773.769.9299 / womenandchildrenfirst.com