Tag Archive for 'comics'

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Oink Oink Comics

Comics With Problems #24

I’m not blogging about the late, lamented torrent tracker.  I’m blogging about something better – a new issue of Ethan Persoff’s Comics With Problems is loose on teh internets. This time, Persoff dusts off “Easy Does It”, a perverse, anthropomorphic slaughterhouse propaganda piece produced by Swift & Company in the days when Back of the Yards had yards to be in back of.  Link to the delicious bacon! 

Giant Sof’Boy

Press Pop just released a giant Sof’Boy doll. It’s as tall as 7 packs of Marlboro Menthols, and it’ll set you back about 3 cartons.

Douglas Wolk, author of READING COMICS, is coming to Quimby’s!

Aug ’07
7:00 pm

Reading Comics

Douglas Wolk, author of READING COMICS, will be at Quimby’s, Saturday, August 11th, 7:00 pm. As usual, it is a FREE EVENT!

In Douglas Wolk’s READING COMICS: How Graphic Novels Work and What They Mean, fans have a collection of criticism about the artists and writers they admire most: Frank Miller and Klaus Janson (Batman: The Dark Knight Returns), Alan Moore and David Gibbons (Watchmen), Dave Sim (Cerebus), Steve Ditko and Stan Lee (Dr. Strange), Keith Giffen (Legion of Super Heroes), and more; and newcomers have a history of how comics evolved, a diverse list of the comics worth reading, and a context for how to read, consider, and discuss comics.

Michael Kupperman cartoon on SNL

Sitting at home alone on a Saturday night. Watching SNL and feeling sorry for myself. And then a lightening bolt of laffs crashed through the TV screen. No, it wasn’t the Musical Guests Linkin Park. Something else entirely…

Chris Ware animation preview!


Here’s a taste of some Chris Ware animation from the premier of the TV version of This American Life. (via Fantagraphics’ Blog)