Did you miss us? We skipped a week of posting new stuff on the blog and the website because one third of the staff (um, 1 of 3 people) was on vacation. Enjoy a longer than usual list! Stay tuned as we curate which of these items will be available for order on our website. You can always call and ask us to put things on hold as well at 773-342-0910.
Here’s something cool we got in, before we launch into all the new stuff:

Get In If You Want To Live – 19 Stories 19 Artists (Paper Darts Press) $15.00 – From the author of 2010’s If You Lived Here You’d Already Be Home. Each of hs stories in the collection is accompanied by a specially curated illustration from hand-selected artists such as Jennifer Davis, Andres Guzman, Laura Andrews, AMTK, Kylo Moonguts and many, many more.
Leg and Boob DNA Gel by Keith G. Herzik $5.00 – Local screenprinting mad genius.
Grand Mystery by Devan Elyse Bennett $1.50
Poems and Parables by Devan Bennett $1.50
Raw Deal #13 Loitering Is Good $2.00
KerBloom #92 Sep Oct 11 by Artnoose $2.00
Volume #1 Fall 2011 Vuu Collective by Margo Dooney $20.00
Meat #5 by Adrian Lourie $20.00
Or Let It Sink #5 by Jim $1.00
Brainscan #28 It’s Complicated by Alex Wrekk $2.00
Meta #1 by Marissa Falco $4.00
Indifferentspace by Jay Kervens $6.00
Connections by Lisa Romero (Parking Block Publishing) $4.00
Wherever God Strikes Me Down by Jeremy Tubbs (Parking Block Publishing) $4.00
Bend Over Magazine #6 $12.00
Broken Pencil #53 $5.95
Hyphen #24 Win 11 $4.95
Happy Hour in America #3 by Timothy Lane $5.00
Squeaky Noises by Cara Bean $5.00
Battle Kittens the Art of R. Dart $6.00
Shuteye #6 Fetch by Sarah Becan $5.00
Amy in the Spring of 1990 by Colin Ryono and MIke Skryzynski $5.00
Pd Indigest by Roman Muradov $6.00
Impressions of Impressions of Africa: A 24 Hour Comic Book Day Comic Book by Roman Muradov $3.00
Plus One by Joakim Ojanen $6.00
Kuben by Joakim Ojanen $8.00
Doodles In a Dark Time by Hanna Andersson $8.00
Free Dog Food #1 Oct 11 by Donald Jess Bandy and Brendan Richardson Wells $3.00
San Diego Diary by Gabrielle Bell $4.00
Colibri #3 $6.00
Brainclouds by Charlie Newton $4.00
Mishy Gosh #2 by Rosie Shipman $4.00
Viewotron #1 by Sam Sharpe and David Goodrich $5.00
R. Crumb: The Complete Record Cover Collection by R. Crumb (WWN) $27.95 – A landmark work that pays splendid homage to a forgotten era of seminal American music. Robert Crumb first began drawing record covers in 1968 when Janis Joplin, a fellow Haight Ashbury denizen, asked him to provide a cover for her album Cheap Thrills. It was an invitation the budding artist couldn’t resist, especially since he had been fascinated with record covers-particularly for the legendary jazz, country, and old-time blues music of the 1920s and 1930s-since he was a teen. This early collaboration proved so successful that Crumb went on to draw hundreds of record covers for both new artists and largely forgotten masters. So remarkable were Crumb’s artistic interpretations of these old 78 rpm singles that the art itself proved influential in their rediscovery in the 1960s and 1970s. Including such classics as Truckin’ My Blues Away, Harmonica Blues, and Please Warm My Weiner, Crumb’s opus also features more recent covers done for CDs. 450 four-color illustrations.
Everything vol 1 Comics from Around 1978-1981 Collected and Uncollected by Lynda Barry (D&Q) $24.95
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adéle Blanc-Sec vol 2 The Mad Scientist/Mummies On Parade by Jacques Tardi (Fantagraphics) $24.99
Dragon Puncher Island by James Kochalka (Top Shelf) $9.95
Joe the Barbarian Deluxe Edition by Grant Morrison (Vertigo) $29.99
Hellboy House of the Living Dead HC by Mile Mignola and Richard Corben (Dark Horse) $14.99
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Omnibus Edition HC by Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill (Vertigo) $49.99
Adventures of Herge by Jose Louis Bocquet et al. (D&Q) $19.95
Saga of the Swamp Thing Book 6 HC by Alan Moore et al. (Vertigo) $24.99
Oz The Wonderful Wizard of Oz TPB by Frank L. Baum et al. (Marvel) $24.99
New X Men TPB vol 7 by Grant Morrison et al. (Marvel) $14.99
Gig Posters vol 2 ed. by Clay Hayes (Quirk) $40.00 – Includes 101 Ready to Frame Posters originally featured on gigposters.com. Designers include: The Bubble Process, The Bungaloo, Chicken Billy, Clint Wilson, Clinton Reno, The Comet Substance, Concepcion Studios, The Half and Half, Hatch Show Print and more.
Blue Collar White Collar by Sterling Hunter (Adhouse) $24.95
New York City Graffiti – The Destiny Children (Schiffer) $50.00
I Want My MTV: The Uncensored Story of the Music Video Revolution by Craig Marks and Rob Tannenbaum (Penguin) $29.99
Gig Posters vol 2! Look in art and design books for description.
Big Payback: The History of the Business of Hip Hop by Dan Charnas (New American Library) $16.00
Everything Is an Afterthought: Life and Writings of Paul Nelson by Kevin Avery (Fantagraphics) $29.99
Beck by Autumn De Wilde (Chronicle) $35.00
Decoded by Jay-Z (Spiegel) $25.00 – Now in soft cover.
Love Goes To Buildings on Fire – Five Years in New York that Changed Music Forever by Will Hermes (Faber) $30.00
How to Wreck a Nice Beach: The Vocoder from World War II to Hip-Hop, The Machine Speaks by Dave Tompkins (Melville House/Stop Smiling) $25.95 – Now in soft cover.
Rocket In my Pocket: The Hipster’s Guide To Rockabilly Music by Max Decharne (Serpant) $18.95
Chromatic: The Crossroads of Color and Music ed. by Chris Force et al. (Alarm Press) $40.00 – Almost 400 pages of full-color artwork that explores the synesthsic experince of where art and music meet.
Dr. Seymour Kindbud’s Stoner Snacks, Mad Marijuana Munchies, Baked and Fried (CH Press) $12.95 – More than 100 recipes.
The Speed Chronicles by Joseph Mattson and friends (Akashic) $15.95 – Pieces about the aforementioned drug. Pieces by William Vollman, Sherman Alexie and more.
Boneshaker #43-200 A Bicycling Almanac $8.00
On Food and Cooking Science and Lore of the Kitchen Completely Revised/Updated by Harold McGee (Scribner) $40.00
Firewalkers Madness Beauty and Mystery – Radically Rethinking Mental Illness by VOCAL $15.00
Do It Yourself 25th Anniversary Special by Uwe Ommer (Taschen) $14.99
Classic Modern Pinups by Alvarado (Schiffer) $34.99
Halsted Plays Himself William E. Jones (Semiot) $24.95
Hot Moms #15 $4.95
Elf Girl by Rev. Jen (Gallery) $15.00
Fear and Loathing at Rolling Stone: Essential Writing of Hunter S. Thompson (Simon) $32.50
Propaganda and the Holy Writ of The Process Church of the Final Judgment: Including The Gods on War, Read by Timothy Wyllie, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Lydia Lynch, and Adam Parfrey by Malachi McCormick et al. (Feral House) $50.00 – The celebrated thematic magazines of the notorious Process Church of the Final Judgment cult were created to be hawked on the street in order to raise money and attract like-minded adherents to their unorthodox Gnostic theology. Printed in order of their first appearance, the Sex, Fear, and Death issues are here reproduced in their entirety in a handsome clothbound book. The magazines reproduced in this book are lionized as being decades ahead of their time in terms of the sophistication of its art and design. The cult was also attacked for including in its Death issue a contribution by Charles Manson. This inclusion led the dark-robed cult to be characterized as a sinister death cult. This book provides an introduction by Adam Parfrey, and by the magazine’s original art director, Timothy Wyllie. Adam Parfrey contextualizes the meanings and impact of the magazines on the world at large.
That Is All by John Hodgman (Penguin) $25.00 – The third in the Complete World Knowledge series (The Areas of My Expertise and More Information Than You Require) by the “Resident Expert” from The Daily Show. Oh yeah, and he’s the PC on the Mac commercials.
Zombie Spaceship Wasteland by Patton Oswalt (Simon) $14.00 – Now in soft cover!
The Killer of Little Shepherds: A True Crime Story and the Birth of Forensic Science (Vintage) $16.00
Extraordinary Catalog of Peculiar Inventions by Julia Suits (Perigree) $15.95 – The Curious World of the DeMoulin Brothers and their Fraternal Lodge, Prank Machines, Human Centipedes and Revolving Goats to Electric Carpets…
The Red Market: On the Trail of the World’s Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers by Scott Carney (Morrow) $25.99
Good the Bad and the Godawful – 21st Century Movie Reviews by Kurt Loder (SMP) $21.99
American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures
of North America by Colin Woodard (Viking) $30.00
Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the Global Economy Imploded and How by John Perkins (Crown) $14.00
The Nerdist Way: How to Reach the Next Level in Real Life (Berk) $24.95 – Developing a system, blog, and podcasts, Hardwick shares hard-earned wisdom about turning seeming weakness into world-dominating strengths in this hilarious self-help book.
Arguably: Essays by Christopher Hitchens (Twelve) $30.00
Republic Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress and a Plan to Stop it by Lawrence Lessig (Twelve) $12.99
Ai Weiweis Blog Writings Interviews and Digital Rants 2006 to 2009 (MIT) $24.95
Autonomy Solidarity Possibility the Colin Ward Reader (AK) $21.95
Rude Pundits Almanack (O/R) $17.00
In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster the Fate of the Gulf… by Peter Lehner et al. (O/R) $16.00
The Visible Man by Chuck Klosterman (Scriber) $25.00 – Second novel of fiction from pop culture expert of Fargo Rock City fame. He’s on public radio every two seconds talking about it, hypnotising you with his articulate witticisms…You WILL buy this book, you WILL buy this book. -LM
The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick, ed. by Pamela Jackson and Jonathan Lethem (Houghton) $40.00 – Based on thousands of pages of typed and handwritten notes, journal entries, letters, and story sketches, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick is the magnificent and imaginative final work of an author who dedicated his life to questioning the nature of reality and perception, the malleability of space and time, and the relationship between the human and the divine. This book is Dick’s brilliant, and epic, final work. It documents his eight-year attempt to fathom what he called “2-3-74,” a postmodern visionary experience of the entire universe “transformed into information.” In entries that sometimes ran to hundreds of pages, Dick tried to write his way into the heart of a cosmic mystery that tested his powers of imagination and invention to the limit, adding to, revising, and discarding theory after theory, mixing in dreams and visionary experiences as they occurred, and pulling it all together in three late novels known as the VALIS trilogy. In this abridgment, Jackson and Lethem serve as guides, taking the reader through the Exegesis and establishing connections with moments in Dick’s life and work.

The Petting Zoo by Jim Carroll (Penguin) $16.00
Marbled Swarm by Dennis Cooper (Harper) $14.99
The Cradle by Patrick Somerville (BB) $13.99 – Now in soft cover.
Adults by Alison Espach (Simon) $15.00
Family Fang by Kevin Wilson (Ecco) $23.99
Inferno – A Poets Novel by Eileen Myles (O/R Books) $16.00
A Greater Monster by David David Katzman (Bedhead) $17.95 – Trippy new fiction by the author of Death By Zamboni with interior art by comics/tattoo artist Caitlin McKay. This book is a multimedia work that includes 65 pages of illustrations, numerous graphic design elements, visual text poetry, and links to two websites, one of which features original music composed to mirror events in a scene of the book and another featuring an animated sequence. This story itself is a psychedelic fairytale for the modern age, influenced by Alice in Wonderland, Williams S. Burroughs, and graphic novelist Grant Morrison. Thanks to everybody that came to last night’s event.

And So It Goes Kurt Vonnegut – A Life by Charles J. Shielfs (Holt) $30.00
Ecstacy of Influence Nonfictions Etc. by Jonathan Lethem (DD) $27.95
Rich People Things by Chris Lehman (O/R Books) $16.00
Windy City Queer LGBTQ Dispatches From the Third Coast by Kathie Bergquist (U of Q P) $24.95
Ladies and Gentlemen by Michael Robins $14.00
The Believer #85 Nov/Dec 11 $10.00
Slice Fall 11 Win 12 #9 $8.00
Gigantic Sequins 2.2 $5.00
Nuance 2011 Literary Arts Magazine $7.00
Journal of Ordinary Thought Sum 11 $10.00
Six By Six #24 I Mean This Thing $5.00
Juxtapoz #131 Dec 11 $5.99
Fortean Times #281 Dec 11 $11.99
Mojo #217 Dec 11 $9.99
Mojo 60s #2 Special Edition $12.50
Uncut Dec 11 #175 $9.99
Tattoo Revue #156 $7.99
Open Minds Dec 11 Jan 12 $6.50
Frieze #142 Oct 11 $10.00
ArtForum Nov 11 $10.00
Design Bureau Nov Dec 11 $8.00
UFO Magazine #157 vol 24 #4 $5.99
Skateboarder vol 21 #6 $5.99
Paper Nov 11 vol 28 #3 $4.00
Dazed & Confused vol 3 #3 Nov 11 $9.99
Monocle vol 5 #48 Nov 11 $10.00
In These Times Nov 11 $3.50
Against the Current #155 Nov Dec 11 $5.00
Tattoo Society #30 $7.99
More Moleskine Notebooks and Planners in an array of styles, sizes, colors and prices.
Nudie Ladies 2012 Ladies of Lore by Flannery Cashill $3.00
Greg and Fake Necklace Man Charm $6.66
Vinyl Frontier DVD by Daniel Zana $20.00