Of Intercourse and Intracourse: Sexuality, Biomodification and the Techno-Social Sphere by Johannes Grenzfurthner , Guenther Friesinger and Daniel Fabry (Re/Search) $29.99 – An Anthology of the Arse Elektronika colloquium which explores technology as it is used in regards to erotic human relations: biotechnology, body modification, trans-species and extraterrestrial pornography, tantric sex, polyamory + technology, Burroughs, biometrics and more. Ed by members of monochrom, an art-technology-philosophy collective, an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science, context hacking and political activism.
Metal and Meat Within the Chicago Underground $2.50 – OMG. The guys who do “Goat Fucker” get together and grill meat, smoke stuff and talk about metal. Awesome representative quote: “Gorick brings the 6.66 lbs of thin 4-Day marinate bag of steak.”
How to Be a Good Zine Citizen by Carrie and Liz Mason $1.00 – Self-publisher’s ettiquette guide. Please? Thank you.
Is Your Washroom Breeding Bolsheviks? by Milo $2.00 – An alphabet book for activists! By Milo from QZAP!
Salvager Kathy #1 $1.00 – A Chicago-based volunteer at an arts organization that works with the developmentally disabled made a zine describing her life-changing experiences working with her clients. They inspire and teach her to cope with her own pain, illustrating the necessity in recognizing that the line between “normal” and “disabled” can be fuzzy indeed. Recommended reading.
Graze #1 Spr 12 by Cyndi Fecher Brian J. Solem $10.00 – Self-described as “A food-oriented lit mag dedicated to the food on your mind and the thoughts in your wake.” Katrina discomfort food, stinky cheese of Cambodia and more.
Comics and Comix
Henry and Glenn Forever and Ever #1 by Igloo Tornado (Tom Neely, Ed Luce and Benjamin Marra) $5.00 – All new material about the love adventures of Rollins and Danzig, with their satanic neighbors Hall and Oates. Will it continue to be funny if it comes out regularly? We shall see.
Powdered Milk #6 by Keilor Roberts $9.00
Dope Mouthfeel #2 $4.00
Kraft Dinner by Julie Sabo $3.00
Demon Dust #9 Spr 12 by Bernie McGovern $2.00
Over Burden by Nick Rohr, Sam Daley and Tim Abel $2.00
Graphic Novels and Trade Paperbacks
Fallen Words: Eight Moral Comedies by Yoshihiro Tatsumi (D&Q) $19.95
Tanpopo by Camilla Derrico $24.99
Batman and Robin TPB vol 3 Batman Must Die by Grant Morrison et al. (DC) $17.99
Boarded Windows by Dylan Hicks (Coffee House Press) $16.00 – Don’t miss author and musician Dylan Hicks here at Quimby’s on May 24th as he reads from this book about a record store clerk in 90s Minneapolis, as well as a musical performance of some of the songs from the soundtrack.
Company You Keep by Neil Gordon $14.00
Mayhem, Miscreants, Memoirs & Misc
Hot Art Chasing Thieves and Detectives through the Secret World of Stolen Art by Joshua Knelman (Tin House) $16.95
Hilaretic: Church Reviews and Other Religious Writings by Dan Kelly $15.00 – Anybody who has been following the history of Quimby’s since its opening in 1991 will remember Dan Kelly of the zine Cop Porn.
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin by Erik Larson (Broadway) $16.00 – From the author of Devil In the White City. Now in soft cover.
Snow White by The Brothers Grimm, illustrated by Camille Rose Garcia $14.99
Butterfly in the Typewriter: The Tragic Life of John Kennedy Toole and the Remarkable Story of A Confederacy of Dunces by Cory MacLauchlin $26.00
The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry by Jon Ronson $16.00

Politics & Revolution
Spectacular Capitalism: Guy Debord and the Practice of Radical Philosophy by Richard Gilman-Opalsky (Autonomedia) $18.00
Childrens Books
Arctic Bears Chase by Steve Fiffer and Keiler Roberts $9.00
Ambitions Not An Awful Word by Zack Zage and Adam Watkins $16.95
The Burlesque Bible vol 3 $16.95
Wallpaper May 12 $10.00
Backwoodsman vol 33 #3 May Jun 12 $4.95 – Get off my land!
Fortean Times #287 Jun 12 $11.99 – There are aliens on my land!
Plastik #15 $16.99
State vol 1 Voicings Articulations Utterances $14.00
Our Tattoos vol 2 $9.99
Stone Roses NME Uncut Special Collectors Magazine $12.99
Conduit #23 Night Light, Words and Visions for Minds on Fire $10.00
Mojo #222 May 12 $9.99
Monocle vol 6 #53 May 12 $12.00
Tattoo Revolution May 12 $11.75
Literary Journals, Poetry & Chap Books
Gay Thurber Almanac of Careless Dignity and Criminal Intent by Alex Marino and Meghan Plunkett $15.00
Journal of Ordinary Thought win 12 $10.00
Bad Attitude Poems $12.00
Sex and Sexy
Little Book of Big Penis ed. by Dian Hanson (Taschen) $9.99 – Now in a smaller and more afforable format. The book that is. Insert joke here.
Little Book of Big Breasts ed. by Dian Hanson (Taschen) $9.99 – Ditto.
Other Stuff
Hot Ten Dollar Bag $10.00 – Weirdo bag of fun from the local collaborative artists Greg and Fake, the guys behind the popular “existential superhero” cardboard art that you may have seen here.
The things listed in this list are at our brick and mortar store at 1854 W. North Ave. Occassionally we make some of it available for mail order on our website, but we curate what we put up there. To see which new items are on our website, see quimbys.com/store and mail order them for prompt home delivery.